Sexton Group Appointment

The Sexton Group Ltd is pleased to announce the appointment of Joe Collerone to the role of Director of Marketing.  Joe will report to Steve Buckle, President.
"At Sexton Group the Marketing Team is a vital link between our Members and Vendors.  A strong Marketing team is the foundation from which we deliver excellent service. Joe’s appointment will allow us to develop and grow this important function." states Steve Buckle.

Joe joined Sexton Group Ltd in 2006, as Business Development Manager for all of Canada.  Working closely with our Members, Joe built a reputation as an effective advocate and passionate supporter of Member interests.  In 2010, Joe moved into the role of Marketing Manager, working closely with Sexton Group Vendors to build their businesses with Sexton Members.

"The Sexton Group has grown substantially over the past several years.  Joe’s genuine affinity for both our Members and Vendors, make him the ideal candidate to develop and lead a team that will continue to deliver the service excellence and support that he himself has helped define" said Buckle.
Congratulations Joe!

Sexton Group Ltd
1. 800.665.9209