For the latest up-to-date news on current government-reported indicators such as CPI, retail trade, wholesale trade and leading indicators, please visit the LBMAO website under "latest news" for all the details.
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Leading Canadian paint brand Sico is receiving top marks from schools across Canada for a unique donation it is making in honour of its 75th anniversary.
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On June 7, politicians and community leaders were on hand to celebrate St Marys Cement Inc. - Bowmanville Plant having received North America's first International Organization for Standardization's (ISO) ISO 50001 certification.
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Halifax-based branding agency Revolve developed a new brand positioning campaign to help consumers go from thinking "I want to do that" to knowing "I can do that." You Can Do Anything is the promise. It';s also the new anchor for the TIM-BR MART retail brand.
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