For the latest up-to-date news on current government-reported indicators such as CPI, retail trade, wholesale trade and leading indicators, please visit the LBMAO website under "latest news" for all the details.
We're gearing up for an exciting 99th Annual General Meeting in Orangeville, aboard the Credit Valley Explorer scenic train tour! Click to download your registration form now, as seats are limited!
Make sure you never miss an issue by reading the Reporter on our website!
The year 2017 will mark the 100th anniversary of the LBMAO, and we're going to celebrate! We want you, our loyal members, to join us!
This report provides benchmarks that you need to help manage your business. The survey results are free of charge to all LBMAO Retailer Members in PDF format, or $15.00 + tax for a hard copy. Contact us to receive your copy.
This award recognizes those individuals who have contributed in a positive manner to the industry, the association and to their community
This recent announcement aligns with Cathelle’s mandate to ensure our customers have the utmost in dealer satisfaction and representation
Hardlines, the information service for the retail home improvement industry, again celebrated the industry’s finest from across the country
New Location to Offer Expanded LBM Assortments to TIMBER MART Members and Customers