For the latest up-to-date news on current government-reported indicators such as CPI, retail trade, wholesale trade and leading indicators, please visit the LBMAO website under "latest news" for all the details.
Join us for snowy fun and fellowship at our 8th Annual Snowmobile Day up in the heart of Muskoka on January 26. Book your hotel room by January 3! Click for details.
This report provides benchmarks that you need to help manage your business. The survey results are free of charge to all LBMAO Retailer Members in PDF format, or $15.00 + tax for a hard copy. Contact us to receive your copy.
TIMBER MART member and president of L.B.H. Building Centre Inc., Doug Lemieux, has been recognized for his years of dedication to the LBM industry, the development of his local community and the support of various not-for-profit organizations, including the WRLA.