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CAF-FCA calling for articles

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As part of its efforts to broaden discussion on this topic, CAF-FCA invites practitioners, jurisdictional apprenticeship authorities, researchers and other stakeholders to submit articles for an upcoming issue of the Canadian Apprenticeship Journal.

Articles will be accepted until noon EDT on April 28. Research articles should be no longer than 12 pages or 5,000 words, with shorter pieces on specific programs or initiatives (800 to 2,000 words) also welcome. Articles may be written in English or French, and those chosen will be published in the language of submission.

Themes of this issue will include:
  • Alternate delivery solutions that work for apprentice learners
  • Examples of initiatives from across sectors and jurisdictions
  • Impact of alternate delivery on completion, grades and learner outcomes
  • Breaking down barriers for rural/Northern apprentices and/or under-represented groups
  • Challenges and opportunities alternate delivery poses for training providers and apprentices
For more information, please email

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