Thank you from Operation Eyesight

We also received a nice surprise from MCA of America. Our American friends donated $5,000 US to the cause during our Annual National Conference in November.

Below is a special thank-you note we received from Operation Eyesight.

Because of generous donors like you, children like Atul can see again! When Atul was eight years old, his classmate accidently hit him in the eye with a pencil. Soon, his vision began to blur as a cataract developed in his eye. Sadly, Atul suffered like this for six years because his parents couldn't afford his cataract surgery. His grades began to fall and he feared he'd go completely blind. 

Thankfully, someone just like you stepped in to help! Atul finally received the surgery he needed — and a new pair of prescription eyeglasses — all at no cost to his family. Today, he can see clearly!

Many more patients like Atul will receive the precious gift of sight in 2017, all because of kind-hearted donors like you. Thank you for your support — and happy new year!