On this day in history

1789: Congress passes the Judiciary Act of 1789, establishing a strong federal court system with the powers it needs to ensure the supremacy of the Constitution and federal law. The new Supreme Court will have a chief justice and five associate justices.
1862: President Abraham Lincoln suspends the writ of habeas corpus against anyone suspected of being a Southern sympathizer.
1904: Sixty-two die and 120 are injured in head-on train collision in Tennessee.
1929: The first flight using only instruments is completed by U.S. Army pilot James Doolittle.
1956: The first transatlantic telephone cable system begins operation.
1957: President Dwight D. Eisenhower sends federal troops into Little Rock, Arkansas, to protect nine black students entering its newly integrated high school.
1960: The Enterprise, the first nuclear powered aircraft carrier, is launched.
1969: The "Chicago Eight," charged with conspiracy and crossing state lines with the intent to incite a riot, go on trial for their part in the mayhem during the 1968 Democratic Party National Convention.
1970: The Soviet Luna 16 lands, completing the first unmanned round trip to the moon.
1979: CompuServe offers one of the first online services to consumers; it will dominate among Internet service providers for consumers through the mid-1990s.
2005: Hurricane Rita, the 4th-most intense Atlantic hurricane ever recorded, comes ashore in Texas causing extensive damage there and in Louisiana, which was devastated by Hurricane Katrina less than a month earlier.
2009: LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device) "sonic cannon," a non-lethal device that uses intense sound, is used in the United States for the first time, to disperse protestors at the G20 summit in Pittsburgh, Penn.

Source: HistoryNet.com