On this day in history

1746: Princeton University, in New Jersey, receives its charter.
1797: The first successful parachute descent is made by Andre-Jacqes Garnerin, who jumps from a balloon at some 2,200 feet over Paris.
1824: The Tennessee Legislature adjourns ending David "Davy" Crockett's state political career.
1907: Ringling Brothers buys Barnum & Bailey.
1914: U.S. places economic support behind Allies.
1918: The cities of Baltimore and Washington run out of coffins during the "Spanish Inflenza" epidemic.
1938: Chester Carlson invents the photocopier. He tries to sell the machine to IBM, RCA, Kodak and others, but they see no use for a gadget that makes nothing but copies.
1962: U.S. reveals Soviet missile sites in Cuba. President Kennedy orders a naval and air blockade on further shipment of military equipment to Cuba. Following a confrontation that threatens nuclear war, Kennedy and Khrushchev agree on October 28 on a formula to end the crisis. On November 2 Kennedy reports that Soviet missile bases in Cuba are being dismantled.
1964: Jean Paul Satre declines the Nobel Prize for Literature.
1966: The Soviet Union launches Luna 12 for orbit around the moon
1978: Papal inauguration of Pope John Paul II.
1999: Maurice Papon, formerly an official in the Vichy France government during World War II, is jailed for crimes against humanity for his role in deporting more than 1,600 Jews to concentration camps.
2005: Tropical Storm Alpha forms, making 2005 the most active Atlantic hurricane season on record with 22 named storms.

Source: HistoryNet.com