On this day in history

Source: HistoryNet.com

1586: Sir Walter Raleigh returns to England from Virginia.
1663: The British Parliament passes a second Navigation Act, requiring all goods bound for the colonies be sent in British ships from British ports.
1793: Robespierre becomes a member of the Committee of Public Safety.
1905: The International Workers of the World found their labor organization in Chicago.
1909: Orville Wright sets a world record for staying aloft in an airplane—one hour, 12 minutes and 40 seconds.
1914: British troops invade the streets of Dublin, Ireland, and begin to disarm Irish rebels.
1921: Canadians Sir Frederick Banting and Charles Best isolate insulin at the University of Toronto.
1944: U.S. troops complete the liberation of Guam.
1953: Representatives of the United Nations, Korea and China sign an armistice at Panmunjom, Korea.
1980: Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran dies in Cairo, Egypt.
1993: Israeli guns and aircraft pound southern Lebanon in reprisal for rocket attacks by Hezbollah guerrillas.
2002: The largest air show disaster in history occurs when a Sukhoi Su-27 fighter crashes during an air show at Lviv, Ukraine, killing 85 and injuring more than 100 others.