The Four Pillars of Lasting Change — register today!

Beverly Holcomb's popular series The Four Pillars of Lasting Change may already be underway, but that doesn't mean you can't still sign up.

The first session, Nourish, was presented earlier today, but the other sessions below are still very much open to registration. Learn more about each of these pillars of health and why each is so important to our continued well-being.

Registration for each session is just $25. The presentations are brought to you by the Women in Mechanical Construction group, and more information is available on the MCA Canada website

Move — Nov. 18

Today, the World Health Organization ranks physical inactivity as the fourth biggest preventable killer globally. SATAURA’s proven “MOVE” pillar focuses on how to counteract and correct the accumulative effects of chronic sitting and a sedentary lifestyle. 

Recover — Dec. 2

Proper sleep is the elixir of life. High-quality sleep balances hormones, fortifies the immune system, boosts metabolism, improves brain function and increases physical energy. Without the proper amount of sleep, optimal health and well-being cannot be achieved.

Integrate — Dec. 9

Addressing underlying negative habits and behaviours that compromise vibrant health is the key to the success of our entire program! Virtually anything can become a habit or addiction. Our approach helps to deliberately and consciously rewire new health-promoting habits and behaviours.

Tying it All Together — Dec. 16