On this day in history

Source: HistoryNet.com

1618: Johannes Kepler discovers the third Law of Planetary Motion.
1765: Fire levels one-quarter of the town of Montréal.
1790: George Washington delivers the first State of the Union address.
1855: The first train crosses Niagara Falls on a suspension bridge.
1910: Baroness de Laroche becomes the first woman to obtain a pilot's license in France.
1945: International Women's Day first celebrated on this day in Canada and around the world.
1948: The U.S. Supreme Court rules that religious instruction in public schools is unconstitutional.
1965: More than 4,000 Marines land at Da Nang in South Vietnam and become the first U.S. combat troops in Vietnam.
1973: Two bombs explode near Trafalgar Square in Great Britain injuring 234 people.
1982: British House of Commons passes the Canada Act, allowing Canada to patriate its constitution.
1982: The United States accuses the Soviets of killing 3,000 Afghans with poison gas.