March 19, 2019 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
Member Update
The Mechanical Contractors Association of Canada (MCAC) is holding its first national innovation conference in April focused on converting innovative ideas and opportunities into reality.

Not only is Jane Gowing a member of the newly-formed Women in Mechanical Construction committee, she is also an industry trailblazer. In our first of many WiMC educational experiences, join us on March 27 to hear Jane’s story. She will share her inspiring journey of overcoming obstacles to formulate a rewarding career as a female entrepreneur. Want to be inspired? Then make sure you sign up for this webinar.

Date: March 27
Time: 12:00 p.m. to 12:45 p.m. ET

Register Now....

Source: Daily Commercial News/ConstructConnect
The goal of the newly-formed Canada Infrastructure Bank (CIB) is to tackle Canada’s infrastructure deficit by helping launch infrastructure projects developed through private hands that may find difficulty getting off the ground.
Source: On-Site Magazine
A goal of the new Building Code is having women hold 10 per cent of skilled trade jobs by 2028, which the province and the BC Construction Association say would be a first for a Canadian province. Currently, 4.7 per cent of building trades workers in B.C. are women.
The Canadian Apprenticeship Forum (CAF-FCA) announced its road map for the creation of a National Strategy for Women in the Trades in Canada. It includes eight concrete action items and areas of focus required to create a national approach to recruiting and retaining women in the skilled trades.
Source: Daily Commercial News/ConstructConnect
The rural municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc in southwestern Ontario is running an eight-week after school program in carpentry and other trades for elementary school students. The goal is to give kids a taste of the trades, with hopes some of them will choose careers in these fields one day.

As a valued member of MCA Canada, we are pleased to offer you even more continued education and member programming. MCA Canada is partnering with Rob McKinney, the ConAppGuru, to deliver an ongoing webinar series for MCA Canada members.

In this second webinar, How to Create a ConTech Jedi, you’ll learn:

  1. How to hire the right people who will thrive in a tech/innovation role.
  2. Where to set up experiments and what elements you need to ensure a successful testing environment.
  3. What problems are ripe for experiments and how to spot a challenge in the field that can be disrupted with technology.
  4. How to formalize the process and cultivate a culture of experimentation and innovation.

It’s a 45-minute live webinar. We’ll record it just in case you are unable to attend. Register today.

Date: March 28
Time: 12:00 p.m. ET

For further information please contact Tania Johnston (613) 232-5169 or

Changes are an inevitable part of the construction process. If not managed well, change orders can cause unnecessary project disruptions and lead to cost increases and schedule delays.

The Mechanical Contractors Association of Hamilton Niagara, in partnership with the Construction Education Council, is pleased to present Change Orders Management, a course that provides participants with best practices for successfully navigating this complex project management challenge.

Join us on April 25 at Construction House in Hamilton, ON.

For more information, visit our website or email Tania Johnson.

The Revay Report discusses what artificial intelligence (AI) is, what are the main technical research areas and how it can be used in different phases of construction.

Click below for the latest prompt payment in the construction industry payment tables.

Source: Daily Commercial News/ConstructConnect
For the second month in a row, the labour market generated strong job gains in February. Nearly 56,000 net new positions were created, all of which were full time, according to Statistics Canada.

1687: The French explorer La Salle is murdered by his own men while searching for the mouth of the Mississippi, along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico.
1702: On the death of William III of Orange, Anne Stuart, sister of Mary, succeeds to the throne of England, Scotland and Ireland.
1822: Boston is incorporated as a city.
1903: The U.S. Senate ratifies the Cuban treaty, gaining naval bases in Guantanamo and Bahia Honda.
1917: The Adamson Act, eight-hour day for railroad workers, is ruled constitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court.
1918: Congress authorizes Daylight Savings Time.
1920: The U.S. Senate rejects the Versailles Treaty for the second time.
1931: The state of Nevada legalizes gambling.
1945: Adolf Hitler orders a scorched-earth policy for his retreating German armies in the west and east.
1963: In Costa Rica, President John F. Kennedy and six Latin American presidents pledge to fight Communism.
1981: One technician is killed and two others are injured during a routine test on space shuttle Columbia.





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