December 22, 2020 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
Member Update

To our MCA Canada members,

As we head into the holiday season, I want to wish all of our members a very safe and healthy holidays. I know it is not the traditional way we would like to celebrate, but I hope you can all find some time to unwind from this unprecedented year.

On behalf of the entire MCA Canada team, happy holidays and a very happy New Year!

Please note that MCA Canada operating hours will shut down on Dec. 24 at noon, and will restart on Jan. 4, 2021.

New Masterclass Webinar Series – 2021 Edition
Jonas Software®
Jonas’ all-in-one construction & service management software helps mechanical businesses likes yours optimize operations and be more profitable. Join our Masterclass Series webinars to learn how you can: 

-Save your company time and effort. 
-Gain better insight into your business.  
-Improve workflow efficiencies. 
-Grow your business. 
-Make better decisions. 
Click here to check out our upcoming masterclass webinar

Each week in Just the Fax, we will profile one of the recipients of our 2020 Richard McKeagan Scholarship Series. This week’s recipient is Holly Padfield.

Holly received scholarships from sponsors Uponor and Bradford White. She is a student at Medicine Hat College in her second year of the Business Administration program.

“I have grown up in the mechanical trades with my grandfather starting his own mechanical business and, in later years, passed it on to my father and one day, I may be the third generation. Growing up, I loved going with my father on service calls and learning what it takes to make a business successful. Over the past few years, I have worked as a labourer learning the mechanical trades as my summer job both in the field and have also had the chance to experience the business side working in the office.”

Holly’s father is employed by Pad-Car Mechanical.

Source: Plumbing + HVAC
According to Statistics Canada, fewer people are registering for apprenticeship programs. In 2019, the number of new registrations was down 2.9 per cent. Trades certifications also decreased 3.9 per cent from 2018. Alberta losses were offset by gains in Ontario and Quebec.
Source: Statistics Canada
Preliminary results for 2020 suggest that new registrations (-43.0 percent) and certifications (-48.7 percent) in the trades saw large drops from February to September 2020 compared with the same period in 2019.
FastEst, Inc.
N-Two Cryogenic Enterprise Inc.
Victaulic Company of Canada
Flocor, Inc.
Source: Construction Links Network
CABA has released the Executive Summary of its Intelligent Building Energy Management Systems Landmark Research Project, providing a detailed exploration of the current state of the market. The report provides valuable insights and data that reveal how intelligent-building ecosystem participants need to come together and collaborate on energy management best practices.
UA Canada/AU Canada


1918: The last of the food restrictions, enforced because of the shortages during World War I, are lifted.
1942: The Soviets drive German troops back 15 miles at the Don River.
1944: During the Battle of the Bulge, General Anthony McAuliffe responds to a German surrender request with a one word answer: "Nuts!"
1945: The United States recognizes Tito's government in Yugoslavia.
1966: The United States announces the allocation of 900,000 tons of grain to fight the famine in India.
1989: The Romanian government of Nicolae Ceausescu is overthrown, ending 42 years of communist rule.
1989: The division of East and West Germany effectively ends when the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin reopens for the first time in nearly 30 years.
1997: Hussein Farrah Aidid relinquishes his disputed title of President of Somalia, an important step toward reconciliation in the country.
2001: A passenger on American Airlines Flight 63 from Paris, Richard Reid, unsuccessfully attempts to destroy the plane in flight by igniting explosives he'd hidden in his shoes.
2001: President of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai, takes over an interim government.
2008: Some 1.1 billion gallons of coal fly ash slurry flood part of Tennessee after an ash dike breaks at a solid waste containment area in Roane County, in the eastern part of the state.
2010: U.S. President Barack Obama signs a law officially repealing the 17-year-old policy known as "Don't ask, don't tell"; the new law permits homosexuals to serve openly in the U.S. military.

Viessmann Manufacturing Co. Inc.
Masco Canada Ltd.
Click below for the latest prompt payment in the construction industry payment tables.
Source: BuildForce
Employment in the construction industry recorded another gain last month but still has a long way to go before returning to pre-pandemic levels. 



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