MHI Industry News
Emulate3D Ltd.
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MHI, in collaboration with Deloitte Consulting LLP, is launching the seventh MHI Annual Industry Report Survey - the report will be available in March 2020. The objective of this survey is to develop leading insights on the impact of emerging innovation in supply chains and what companies can do to remain competitive in a rapidly evolving marketplace. We would like to ask for a few minutes of your time to respond to this important industry questionnaire. Your responses will be kept confidential.
As an added incentive, those who complete the survey can be entered into a drawing for a $500 VISA gift card. Additionally, anyone who completes the survey AND their MHI Supply Chain Digital Consciousness assessment at will be eligible for entry into a drawing for an Apple iPhone 11 Pro. The winners of the drawings will be notified via email once we publish the results of the survey.
Innovation. Quality. Service
The Raymond Corporation
It takes a lot to be a global leader. It takes a proud history of engineering material handling solutions that lead the way in innovation. It takes skilled and talented people committed to constant improvement. It requires a level of service that offers end-to-end solutions that anticipate customers’ needs.
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MHI Updates
The MHI Solutions Community has partnered with the College-Industry Council on Material Handling Education (CICMHE) to release a white paper titled "Adding Value to Manufacturing, Retail, Supply Chain, and Logistics Operations with Big Data Analytics." The paper examines how big data analytics can add value to your supply chain by providing insightful business knowledge about your operations.
MHI recently released, in collaboration with Oxford Economics, a new report, “Handling the US Economy: The Economic Impact of the Material Handling Industry.” This report explores the relationship between material handling and wider economy of the supply chain.
Much like people, warehouse racks are not invincible. Factors such as overloading, poor design and installation errors can all lead to rack failure. However, impacts from mobile equipment are one of the leading causes of damage and racking collapses.
J-tec Industries
FOX IV Technologies, Inc.
Raw materials, goods and finished products enter and exit manufacturing and warehouse facilities through loading docks. Since materials, transfer and transport vehicles and people are moving around regularly, making loading docks safer is important. The goal is to prevent injury to workers while avoiding damage to products and the building.
If your company hasn’t sustained damage from a cyberattack, then you’re one of the lucky ones. According to a survey from the cybersecurity company Tenable Inc., over just the past two years, 90% of companies in the energy, health care and manufacturing sectors have suffered a cyberattack that led to data breaches and either a significant disruption or a complete halt to business operations. To make matters even worse, 62% of companies in these sectors were hit with two or more attacks during that span.
Technology and Innovation
The concept of artificial intelligence has been around since the 1950s, but the use of AI to improve warehouse and DC operations is still in its infancy. Nevertheless, AI is expected to have a growing role in warehouse management over the next five years. Rather than replacing human decision-making, AI-based tools will give managers insights and recommendations, then need to better plan, manage and optimize their operations. Here are some of the key things DC managers should know about the technology.
The promise of improved efficiencies and reductions in operating expenses are usually the major drivers when supply chain companies adopt digital technologies. But there’s another benefit that they should consider. Tech advances like the internet of things (IoT), data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), 3D printing, robotics and blockchain can play a role in companies’ sustainability strategies.
When the doors are open
Berner International Corporation
Keep it cozy this winter with Berner Air Curtains. Do your clients struggle with keeping costs down and productivity up when it’s cold outside? Learn how Royal Wine in New Jersey saves energy and provides warmer working conditions in the shipping area of their food processing and distribution center using Berner.
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Those who have been in the retail industry for any length of time no doubt remember the transition from single channel to multichannel, so retailers could sell via the internet. Multichannel gave way to omnichannel, which promised a seamless experience no matter how the shopper encountered the retailer. Then came unified commerce.
Karcher Industrial
Lean Factory America, LLC
It seems clean energy has finally hit its tipping point. Increasing demands for clean energy have resulted in cost reductions, and sustainable power sources like solar and wind are reaching parity with conventional power sources in terms of both price and performance. In addition, new technologies are improving efficiency and affordability.
Marcel Proust famously quipped that “a change in the weather is sufficient to recreate the world and ourselves.” There’s no doubt that the weather keeps changing. So what can supply chains be doing now to mitigate the risk?
Companies are pursuing sustainability initiatives that not only make them “green-er” by reducing material and resource use, but are also pursuing initiatives that help supply chain partners and entire industries continue to be viable. These consumption and competitive practices affect the bottom line today, but also reduce supply chain risks and volatility for decades and generations to come.
EtherCAT: The intralogistics digitization enabler
Beckhoff Automation®
Unrivaled determinism and performance for control tasks with significant bandwidth for high-speed data acquisition, real-time analytics and machine learning: EtherCAT is the right choice for digitization of intralogistics operations. EtherCAT-enabled material handling equipment stays ahead of the competition with high performance, built-in diagnostics and extreme network flexibility. EtherCAT eliminates switches, IP addresses in devices and unnecessary cabling, increasing cybersecurity protection. Learn how to boost your application and competitiveness with EtherCAT!
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Baumfolder Corporation
HMS Industrial Networks
Attracting and recruiting the talent needed to run the digital supply chain has become one of the top priorities of many chief executives and chief supply chain officers (CSCOs). With the most heavily recruited of that talent being Millennials (and the subsequent Gen Z following close behind), supply chain organizations find themselves competing for the best and brightest—particularly among data scientists and analysts—against big-name tech companies like Apple and Google.
Robotics and automation have quickly become the supply chain and manufacturing industries’ top choice to update systems and increase productivity. With smaller options now available, some robotics designers are adopting new philosophies: that these mobile robots are a tool to be used by employees, and should be designed as such.
The supply chain workforce shortage and skills gap have been the #1 topic of MHI’s Annual Industry Report for the past six years. Recruiting, retaining and developing a diverse management team has proven to be a growing differentiator for supply chain firms. Additionally, the skill sets where women shine (multitasking, collaboration, communication and influence) are highly sought-after in the cross-functional, complex, and fast-paced world of the global supply chains. Given this reality, why do women still only represent 24% of the material handling workforce and only 15% of executive-level positions in supply chain organizations?