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MHI Industry News

Material Handling Industry

The development of the first-ever U.S. industry roadmap for material handling and logistics (MHL) was announced today.

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Leading So People Will Follow
Speaker: Jennifer Sherman, Proteus International
June 5, 2013

An in-depth discussion of the characteristics of great leaders and how they can begin to position themselves, regardless of their level, as someone who others want to follow.

Sign up information will follow in the next few weeks.

Engineering Innovation
A new Roadmap for U.S. Robotics was presented to the Congressional Caucus on Robotics on March 20.

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The Steel Erectors Association of America (SEAA) has agreed to support CRC/ICHC to be held May 29-30 in Indianapolis, Ind., announces MCM Events, the conference organizer. SEAA comes on board as a Supporting Organization at the same time that MCM Events finalizes the agenda.

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Tapeswitch Corporation
MHI YPN hosted its first-ever webinar on February 27th. The topic was: Other Generations: What ARE they thinking?

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The Material Handling Equipment Distributors Association (MHEDA) will present its 58th Annual Convention, May 4-8, 2013 at the JW Desert Springs in Palm Desert, California. The Convention provides material handling equipment professionals the opportunity to spend four days learning, networking and discovering resources for their company. This year's theme is "Get Your Game On!"

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Naylor, LLC
Material Handling Industry
8720 Red Oak Blvd., Suite 201 | Charlotte, NC 28217-3957