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MHI Industry News

Material Handling Industry

In the latest issue of MHI Solutions, workforce issues, including building and maintaining quality employees, plus the current state of the supply chain labor force are covered. There is also a report on "nearshoring" – shifting outsourced operations to Latin America – as well as an overview on outsourcing in China.

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MHI Young Professionals Network and MHEDA are teaming up for this years Emerging Leaders Conference on August 1st in downtown Chicago.

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Join us for a one-hour interactive webinar on "Leading So People Will Follow" presented by Proteus International.

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Georgia Tech Supply Chain & Logistics Institute
The due date for proposals are being solicited for material handling and logistics focused research projects to be conducted by academic institutions are due May 31, 2013. MHI and the College Industry Council for Material Handling Education (CICMHE) have allocated up to $100,000 in 2013 to fund three types of research proposals matched to the needs of faculty at different points in their professional careers.

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The first meeting for the development of the U.S. Roadmap for Material Handling and Logistics was held in Atlanta, GA on Tuesday, April 16th and Wednesday, April 17th.

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MODEX has been named to the 2012 Trade Show News Network’s (TSNN) U.S. Top 250 Trade Shows list. TSNN’s list represents the top 250 trade shows held last year in the U.S. ranked by net square footage. MODEX 2014 was ranked 128th among the top 250 trade shows.

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Naylor, LLC
Material Handling Industry
8720 Red Oak Blvd., Suite 201 | Charlotte, NC 28217-3957