MHI Industry News Newsletter RSS Feed. en-us Copyright 2024 7/27/2024 7:17:03 AM 20 2024 DC Measures Report Benchmarks Warehouse Performance to Maximize Efficiency <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2024</a> -- <em>Top Story</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Just released by WERC, the DC Measures report helps warehousing and DC professionals accurately benchmark their operations.</div> </div></p> 7/5/2024 9:25:34 AM MHI&rsquo;s Mobile Automation Group Webinar to Discuss AGV/ARMS Cyber Challenges <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2024</a> -- <em>MHI Updates</em></strong><br /><div> <div>In today&rsquo;s digitally interconnected world, the proliferation of mobile automation has revolutionized how industries operate, offering enhanced efficiency and precision. However, this rapid growth also presents cybersecurity challenges.&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 7/5/2024 9:36:36 AM Uniting with Your Industry Through MHI Industry Groups <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2024</a> -- <em>MHI Updates</em></strong><br /><div> <div>MHI Industry Group members are the innovators and visionaries shaping the future of the material handling and supply chain industry. These trusted solutions providers play a crucial role in setting the standards that drive the industry forward. With access to the latest market intelligence, they don&rsquo;t just keep up with trends&mdash;they set them.&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 7/5/2024 9:45:26 AM WERC Launches Registration for its October Texas Warehousing Conference <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2024</a> -- <em>MHI Updates</em></strong><br /><div> <div>This regional conference offers a unique opportunity for professional development. The agenda features educational sessions on the latest logistics trends, providing attendees with strategies for achieving profitable growth in today&rsquo;s competitive market. Additionally, there will be ample opportunities to network with key equipment suppliers.</div> </div></p> 7/5/2024 9:49:18 AM AI Powered Warehouse Operations <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2024</a> -- <em>Technology and Innovation</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Are you looking to power your warehouse and DC operations with the latest AI tools but don&rsquo;t know where to start? This video discusses how to identify areas for improvement and details the latest strategies that can streamline your operational processes and improve performance.</div> </div></p> 7/5/2024 10:06:50 AM When to Use RFID Labels and When Not To <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2024</a> -- <em>Technology and Innovation</em></strong><br /><div> <div>While RFID technology offers numerous advantages in asset and inventory management, there are situations where simpler methods may be more suitable. Careful consideration and a clear understanding of your requirements will guide you in making the right choice for your business.</div> </div></p> 7/5/2024 9:14:06 AM Running the Race of Innovation <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2024</a> -- <em>Technology and Innovation</em></strong><br /><div> <div>When it comes to innovation, It can be so tempting to chase after shiny objects. But, before you can run, you have to learn to walk. And before you can walk, you need to crawl.</div> </div></p> 7/5/2024 9:28:53 AM The 2024 MHI Annual Industry Report Video Series Discusses the Impact of Tech-Driven and Human-Centric Supply Chains <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2024</a> -- <em>Supply Chain Trends</em></strong><br /><div>This series provides new insights into trends and technologies that are transforming supply chains and the priorities of the people who run them.</div></p> 7/5/2024 9:58:34 AM Education Foundation Sets Path for Supply Chain Jobs of Tomorrow <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2024</a> -- <em>Education & Professional Development</em></strong><br /><div> <div>With the demands of today&rsquo;s global economy and fast-paced technological change, there is a need to draw top talent to sustain and strengthen material handling and supply chain businesses for the future. The Material Handling Education Foundation, Inc. ensures the supply chain industry keeps nurturing a strong talent pool.</div> </div></p> 7/5/2024 9:18:18 AM 10 Safety Tips for Warehouse Automation Programs <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2024</a> -- <em>Workforce</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Safety is not an afterthought but a cornerstone of operational planning and execution. A critical component is the creation of a safety-first culture, where every employee feels responsible not only for their own safety but also for that of their colleagues.&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 7/5/2024 9:10:31 AM MHI Offering Sustainability Training to Members <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2024</a> -- <em>Sustainability</em></strong><br /><div> <div>As part of our ongoing commitment to supply chain sustainability, MHI has partnered with Supplier LOCT (Supplier Leadership on Climate Transition) to offer MHI members educational opportunities that align with current global sustainability protocols, standards, and pledges.&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 7/5/2024 10:37:03 AM Supply Chain Sustainability Remains Top Priority <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2024</a> -- <em>Sustainability</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Critical sustainability developments have occurred this year for companies in the supply chain, logistics and material handling industries. At the top of the list is the SEC rule on emissions, which after being approved was put on hold while litigation plays out. Additionally, global geopolitical risks threaten to exacerbate supply chain costs and emissions output.</div> </div></p> 7/5/2024 9:40:04 AM The Future of Order Fulfillment <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2024</a> -- <em></em></strong><br /><div> <div>As industries continue to evolve and consumer expectations rise, the need for innovative solutions in order picking and fulfillment becomes increasingly apparent. Enter the picking carts of the future &ndash; a blend of advanced technology, ergonomic design, and streamlined functionality poised to transform the way we approach order fulfillment.&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 7/5/2024 9:06:41 AM A Human-Centered Approach to Technology Adoption <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2024</a> -- <em>Top Story</em></strong><br /><div> <div>The new issue of <em>MHI Solutions</em> focuses on how technology is empowering supply chain workers as they collaborate with these new technologies to create more resilient, transparent and data-driven operations.</div> </div></p> 6/10/2024 1:48:23 PM Download these Future-focused Supply Chain Podcasts <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2024</a> -- <em>MHI Updates</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Listen to these MHIcast episodes on essential topics such as sustainability, the evolving roles of workers and the automation of distribution centers.&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 6/10/2024 1:58:29 PM WERC Announces 2024 DC Measures Annual Report and Interactive Benchmarking Tool <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2024</a> -- <em>MHI Updates</em></strong><br /><div> <div>This comprehensive report, unveiled at the WERC Annual Conference in Dallas, Texas, provides essential insights into the evolving warehousing landscape.</div> </div></p> 6/10/2024 2:22:55 PM MHI Launches a Cybersecurity Workshop for September <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2024</a> -- <em>MHI Updates</em></strong><br /><div> <div>The MHI Cybersecurity Workshop will impart insights into the challenges posed by today's complex cyber environment, covering topics from cutting-edge threat intelligence to effective incident response.&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 6/10/2024 2:24:53 PM Shaping the "Cyber for AGV/AMRs" <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2024</a> -- <em>MHI Updates</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Sponsored by MHI's Mobile Automation Group (MAG) Industry Group, this webinar will delve into the current cybersecurity landscape, focusing on the unique threats mobile automations face. We will discuss best practices for securing mobile automation environments, including secure coding, encryption and user education.&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 6/10/2024 2:38:28 PM Supply Chain Investment Growth in Technologies That Empower Human Workforce <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2024</a> -- <em>Technology and Innovation</em></strong><br /><div> <div>The 11th edition of the MHI Annual Industry Report found increased investment in human-centric, collaborative technologies that empower workers to be more productive and make better decisions.</div> </div></p> 6/10/2024 2:02:28 PM How AI Optimizes Supply Chain Decision Making <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2024</a> -- <em>Technology and Innovation</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Sci-fi films may portray artificial intelligence (AI) as a threat to humanity, but in the real world of supply chain, AI provides many benefits to the humans who interact with it. As a powerful decision-making tool, AI helps workers be more effective and more productive.</div> </div></p> 6/10/2024 2:05:44 PM Mexico Rising <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2024</a> -- <em>Supply Chain Trends</em></strong><br /><div> <div>A new era of globalization is occurring as manufacturers bring production closer to where their products will be consumed and create lower-cost, more resilient supply chains. South of the U.S. border, Mexico&rsquo;s nearshoring boom presents a treasure trove of opportunities as demand for material handling and logistics solutions grows.</div> </div></p> 6/10/2024 2:18:03 PM The Relentless Rise of Cybercrime <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2024</a> -- <em>Supply Chain Trends</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Cyberattacks are one of the biggest threats facing businesses, but they are a manageable risk, as long as companies stay vigilant and committed to best practices.</div> </div></p> 6/10/2024 2:11:58 PM MHEFI Awards Record-Breaking $231,700 in Scholarships to 61 Students <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2024</a> -- <em>Education & Professional Development</em></strong><br /><div> <div>The scholarships, ranging from $1,500 to $6,000, were granted to undergraduate students who demonstrated outstanding academic performance, maintaining a "B" grade point average or higher in their major. Recipients were selected based on their dedication to these fields of study and their potential to make a positive impact in the industry.</div> </div></p> 6/10/2024 2:26:54 PM WERC Launches New Distribution Logistics Operations Course <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2024</a> -- <em>Education & Professional Development</em></strong><br /><div> <div>The Warehousing Education &amp; Research Council (WERC) has introduced a fourth course in the Distribution Logistics Education Program. The Distribution Logistics Operations Course is tailored to give employees in-depth knowledge of the various aspects of managing warehouses and distribution center operations.</div> </div></p> 6/10/2024 2:28:20 PM MHI Members Make the Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 List <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2024</a> -- <em></em></strong><br /><div> <div>Congratulations to MHI members Schneider Electric and Siemens for earning coveted spots on Gartner&rsquo;s annual ranking of the world&rsquo;s best supply chains.&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 6/10/2024 1:53:56 PM Food and Beverage Field Is Ready to Adopt a Growth Mindset <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2024</a> -- <em></em></strong><br /><div> <div>The food and beverage industry carries with it distinctive demands that are fast evolving in a rapidly changing world, and the supply chain is at the center of those developments.</div> </div></p> 6/10/2024 2:14:11 PM Access MODEX 2024 content with Digital Entry <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 2024</a> -- <em>Top Story</em></strong><br /><div> <div>All the great content from MODEX 2024 lives on digitally at! We&rsquo;ve created this digital entry site to help you find the 1,200 exhibitor showcases, 200 on-floor seminars and 5 keynotes, that happened at MODEX 2024 in Atlanta this past March.</div> </div></p> 5/14/2024 8:52:02 AM Build your warehousing knowledge with new operations course <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 2024</a> -- <em>MHI Updates</em></strong><br /><div> <div>WERC has released a new course that quickly educates employees on warehouse operations. The Distribution Logistics Operations course is the fourth in the Distribution Logistics Education Program. It is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the intricacies of managing warehousing and DC operations.</div> </div></p> 5/14/2024 8:49:19 AM MHEFI awards record-breaking $231,700 in scholarships to 61 students <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 2024</a> -- <em>MHI Updates</em></strong><br /><div> <div>The Material Handling Education Foundation, Inc. (MHEFI) has proudly announced the distribution of $231,700 in scholarships to 61 material handling, supply chain and logistics students for the 2024/2025 academic year. This marks the highest amount ever awarded by MHEFI, reflecting its commitment to supporting education in material handling, logistics and supply chain management.</div> </div></p> 5/14/2024 10:36:46 AM The road to digitization <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 2024</a> -- <em>Technology and Innovation</em></strong><br /><div> <div>In supply chain, perhaps no question is asked more often than &ldquo;where&rsquo;s my stuff?&rdquo; Herein lies the promise of real-time location systems (RTLS). Myriad devices connect wirelessly to shared data that helps various technologies pinpoint an item, case, pallet, cargo container or vehicle&rsquo;s geospatial position&mdash;all synthesized (and, optimally, synchronized) by software that can be accessed by anyone seeking the answer to &ldquo;where&rsquo;s my stuff?&rdquo;</div> </div></p> 5/14/2024 8:24:58 AM Innovations in last mile logistics <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 2024</a> -- <em>Technology and Innovation</em></strong><br /><div> <div>While AI does have potential for resolving some last mile issues, it is just one part of an overall solution. It will take a combination of technology and human intelligence to take last mile delivery to the next level.</div> </div></p> 5/14/2024 8:28:07 AM Predictive maintenance can maximize facility&rsquo;s potential <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 2024</a> -- <em>Technology and Innovation</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Predictive and preventative maintenance is essential to automated warehouse operation efficiency.&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 5/14/2024 8:08:02 AM 7 benefits of RFID in a warehouse <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 2024</a> -- <em>Supply Chain Trends</em></strong><br /><div> <div>One of the most impactful types of technology employed in modern warehouses and distribution centers is RFID sensor systems. RFID provides multiple ways to track and manage products and assets in the supply chain.</div> </div></p> 5/14/2024 8:02:25 AM Fast track fulfillment <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 2024</a> -- <em>Supply Chain Trends</em></strong><br /><div> <div>For retailers struggling to speed up the last mile of delivery, it could be productive to look backward to the middle-mile. At the heart of that mile is the distribution center (DC).&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 5/14/2024 8:36:25 AM The debate on dark stores <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 2024</a> -- <em>Supply Chain Trends</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Are dark stores here to stay, or are they just a supply chain experiment spurred on by a singular event and destined to fizzle out? That&rsquo;s a question grocery chains and other online retailers will grapple with over the next few years as they continue to adapt to changing consumer preferences.</div> </div></p> 5/14/2024 8:41:01 AM Ports turn to tech solutions for new levels of efficiency <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 2024</a> -- <em>Transportation</em></strong><br /><div> <div>In the eyes of some, the port industry once appeared reluctant to adopt sophisticated technological solutions to strengthen their operations. However, that has shifted dramatically in recent years as technology is being integrated into the port field in a way that represents &ldquo;a true change.&rdquo;</div> </div></p> 5/14/2024 8:43:39 AM Driverless supply chains <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 2024</a> -- <em>Transportation</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicle technology is on the cusp of commercializing solutions to solve first- and middle-mile supply chain inefficiencies, enhance productivity, improve customer satisfaction and reduce the cost of moving goods.</div> </div></p> 5/14/2024 8:32:00 AM WERC Conference coming to Dallas from June 2-5 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 2024</a> -- <em>Education & Professional Development</em></strong><br /><div> <div>WERC 2024 is the only conference this year focused on the trends and tech impacting warehouse and DC operations! Join your peers from June 2-5 in Dallas, Texas for learning and networking.</div> </div></p> 5/14/2024 10:23:55 AM Empowering middle management to promote DEI initiatives <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 2024</a> -- <em>Workforce</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) efforts require the backing of top leaders. But, as it turns out, these efforts also require the support of middle managers, who often are also the leaders stretched the thinnest and most likely to be juggling a range of competing priorities.</div> </div></p> 5/14/2024 8:54:54 AM At the forefront of technology, where does safety stand? <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 2024</a> -- <em>Workforce</em></strong><br /><div> <div>In the relentless pursuit of progress in the logistics and manufacturing industry, driven by technological advancements like advanced robotics and RFID systems, a crucial aspect often remains in the shadows: the safety of workers and the protection of machinery.</div> </div></p> 5/14/2024 8:10:27 AM Safety tools an important trend on the loading dock <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 2024</a> -- <em>Workforce</em></strong><br /><div> <div>The loading dock is a flashpoint for safety, with approximately 25% of warehouse accidents happening in the space, according to OSHA. That makes it essential for the material handling industry and every organization with a loading dock to prioritize loading dock safety.</div> </div></p> 5/14/2024 10:16:39 AM Sustainability in a time of high interest rates <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 2024</a> -- <em>Sustainability</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Sustainability mandates are gaining steam against a backdrop of high interest rates, high labor costs and elevated costs. For many businesses, this push to embrace sustainability may appear like another cost center adding to the cost pile-on that threatens corporate profitability. While that can be true, it does not need to be the case. Several sustainability strategies can potentially help reduce your environmental footprint while also improving your cash flow.</div> </div></p> 5/14/2024 10:13:32 AM Rail system electrification to reach net zero <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 2024</a> -- <em>Sustainability</em></strong><br /><div> <div>The call for&nbsp;rail&nbsp;electrification&nbsp;is spurred by growing interest in the reduction of emissions and mandates. According&nbsp;to&nbsp;the International Energy Agency, electric&nbsp;rail, which accounts for over 85% of passenger&nbsp;rail&nbsp;activity and 55% of freight movements globally, does not emit any direct CO2&nbsp;emissions.&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 5/14/2024 8:39:24 AM New MHI and Deloitte Report Focuses on Collaborative Supply Chains that are Tech-Forward and Human-Centric <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 2024</a> -- <em>Top Story</em></strong><br /><div>A new report released by MHI and Deloitte finds that 55% of supply chain leaders are increasing their supply chain technology and innovation investments, with 88% saying they are planning to spend over $1 million. Forty-two percent plan to spend over $10 million. This investment includes solutions for improved collaboration between tech and human workers.</div></p> 4/8/2024 10:29:56 AM Gain Inspiration to Improve your Warehousing and Distribution Center Operational Performance <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 2024</a> -- <em>MHI Updates</em></strong><br /><div> <div>As the only conference dedicated to warehousing and distribution logistics, the 2024 WERC Conference is your chance to learn and connect with the best minds in the industry.&nbsp;By attending, you&rsquo;ll gain inspiration and broaden your perspective to uncover ways to solve challenges unique to warehousing and distribution center operations. You&rsquo;ll also build your network as you engage and discover new opportunities to share ideas and common experiences.</div> </div></p> 4/8/2024 10:53:08 AM ASRS Offer Innovation and Increased Safety <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 2024</a> -- <em>MHI Updates</em></strong><br /><div> <div>The members of MHI&rsquo;s Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems industry group, or ASRS, can help warehouses and distribution centers become more efficient, improve safety and better manage their workforces.</div> </div></p> 4/8/2024 10:44:05 AM Cyber Risks and Strategies for Building Resilience for your Company <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 2024</a> -- <em>MHI Updates</em></strong><br /><div> <div>The need to adapt and strengthen business defenses against cyber threats is critical and our industry sits at the crosshairs due to our centrality to national and global supply chain infrastructure. MHI is hosting a Cybersecurity Workshop to delve into the evolving landscape of cyber risks and discuss strategies for building resilience.</div> </div></p> 4/8/2024 11:19:06 AM MHI Announces Winners of 2024 MHI Innovation and StartUp Awards <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 2024</a> -- <em>Technology and Innovation</em></strong><br /><div> <div>MHI recently announced as the most innovative products from MODEX 2024 exhibitors in three categories - Best Innovation of an Existing Product, Best IT Innovation, Best New Innovation and Best New Innovation in Sustainability based on concept, value and impact. They also announced the 2024 MHI StartUp Award.</div> </div></p> 4/8/2024 10:35:26 AM Future-Proofing Warehouses: Upskilling for the AI Revolution <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 2024</a> -- <em>Technology and Innovation</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Warehouse and distribution center workers have co-existed with robotic arms and autonomous vehicles for decades, but the rising crop of AI-powered automation is game-changing. As we careen into the AI revolution, warehouse workers will once again be among the first to witness technological disruption.</div> </div></p> 4/8/2024 10:40:07 AM Trends in Contact and Wireless Charging Systems <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 2024</a> -- <em>Technology and Innovation</em></strong><br /><div> <div>As more OEMs gravitate toward automated robotic technologies and contemplate charging strategies, staying informed on the latest charging trends is vital.</div> </div></p> 4/8/2024 10:57:02 AM Webinar: Mastering Digital Warehouse Transformation <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 2024</a> -- <em>Technology and Innovation</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Join us for a webinar hosted by MHI on April 24th on digital warehouse transformation with the story of how GlobalFoundries changed the game by digitalizing their warehouse.</div> </div></p> 4/8/2024 11:01:45 AM Managing the Human-Tech Relationship in Supply Chains <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 2024</a> -- <em>Supply Chain Trends</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Although AI, automation and similar technology have become better and better at handling repetitive tasks, such as picking goods in warehouses or generating monthly reports, there will continue to be many activities that require the critical and creative thinking skills that only a human can contribute.</div> </div></p> 4/8/2024 11:05:18 AM Tales from the Front Lines in Consumer Goods <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 2024</a> -- <em>Supply Chain Trends</em></strong><br /><div> <div>The growth of e-commerce during the pandemic continues to have a transformative impact on the consumer goods sector. Not only do more consumers buy goods online now&mdash;both from retailers and directly from manufacturers&mdash;but the consumer goods category is central to the shift in consumer demand that emphasizes rapid deliveries of orders, putting sharp pressure on the supply chain.</div> </div></p> 4/8/2024 10:49:36 AM Webinar: Scale your Business By Integrating QuickBooks and CRM Systems <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 2024</a> -- <em>Education & Professional Development</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Join us for a webinar on May 2 hosted by MHI on scaling your manufacturing and distribution operations. This webinar will discuss how integrating QuickBooks and CRM systems can create workflow automation to drive efficiency.</div> </div></p> 4/8/2024 11:15:14 AM Is your Facility OSHA Inspection Ready? <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 2024</a> -- <em>Workforce</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Inspections for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration&rsquo;s (OSHA) National Emphasis Program (NEP) on Warehousing and Distribution Center Operations began on October 13, 2023. Announced this past summer as directive number CPL 03-00-026, the goal is to reduce and eliminate hazards in warehousing and distribution centers, mail/postal processing and distribution centers and parcel delivery/courier services.</div> </div></p> 4/8/2024 10:42:15 AM Revolutionizing Battery and EV Packaging for Enhanced Safety, Efficiency and Sustainability <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 2024</a> -- <em>Sustainability</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Rubber meets the road with this statistic: Electric vehicles (EVs) will account for 29.5% of new car sales by 2030, according to In the fast-paced world of EVs and cutting-edge battery technology, packaging plays a pivotal role in ensuring not only safety and efficiency but also sustainability.</div> </div></p> 4/8/2024 10:46:15 AM New issue of MHI Solutions navigates the first, middle, and last mile <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2024</a> -- <em>Top Story</em></strong><br /><div> <div>This issue of <em>MHI Solutions</em> highlights the top trends and technologies driving first, middle, and last mile logistics. These solutions not only include automation and robotics but also tools that enable more powerful uses of data such as machine learning and artificial intelligence.</div> </div></p> 3/4/2024 10:06:29 AM Football legend Nick Saban to join MODEX 2024 as keynote speaker <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2024</a> -- <em>MHI Updates</em></strong><br /><div> <div>MODEX 2024, the premier event for the full spectrum supply chain, is honored to host renowned football coach Nick Saban as a keynote. Speaking at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, Saban will participate in a conversation, titled "Tales of Leadership from the Gridiron," on Wednesday, March 13 at 9 AM.</div> </div></p> 3/4/2024 1:16:47 PM MHI leadership identifies business trends impacting supply chains in 2024 and beyond <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2024</a> -- <em>MHI Updates</em></strong><br /><div> <div>MHI&rsquo;s Board of Governors and Roundtable Advisory Committee recently released their top business trends impacting the supply chain industry. With ongoing disruptions, swift digitization and escalating consumer expectations, traditional approaches to supply chain management may fall significantly short. From leveraging the potential of data and AI to constructing agile, sustainable and resilient networks, these 11 trends will impact operational performance for years to come.&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 3/4/2024 9:52:41 AM What is telematics? <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2024</a> -- <em>Technology and Innovation</em></strong><br /><div> <div>For those in construction, rental and mixed fleet, material handling, and equipment dealerships, telematics solutions offer huge potential benefits. Here is a 10-point introduction for owners and managers of industrial fleets.</div> </div></p> 3/4/2024 1:26:39 PM Maximizing safety and efficiency in warehouses: The role of order and innovation <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2024</a> -- <em>Technology and Innovation</em></strong><br /><div> <div>In the fast-paced world of logistics and manufacturing, order in warehouses plays a crucial, often underestimated role in safety and operational efficiency. This blog explores the relationship between a well-organized warehouse and workplace safety, unraveling how seemingly simple practices can lead to major improvements in safety and efficiency.</div> </div></p> 3/4/2024 1:31:57 PM MODEX keynote to reveal biggest supply chain tech and trends for digital, collaborative supply chains <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2024</a> -- <em>Supply Chain Trends</em></strong><br /><div>Which supply chain trends and technologies are having the biggest impact? Find answers to this question in the findings of the 2024 MHI Annual Industry Report that will be revealed during the March 13 MODEX keynote panel.</div></p> 3/4/2024 1:42:22 PM WERC Annual Conference releases program designed to empower warehousing and logistics professionals <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2024</a> -- <em>Education & Professional Development</em></strong><br /><div> <div>With a mission to inspire action among logistics professionals, the Warehousing Education and Research Council (WERC) has released the full program of educational sessions and networking events for the WERC Annual Conference. The conference will take place at the Hilton, Anatole in Dallas, Texas on June 2-5.</div> </div></p> 3/5/2024 8:25:32 PM MHI opens registration for Its June Cybersecurity Workshop <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2024</a> -- <em>Education & Professional Development</em></strong><br /><div> <div>In recognition of the growing importance of cybersecurity for the supply chain, MHI is hosting a one-day Cybersecurity Workshop on June 11 at its office in Charlotte, North Carolina. The MHI Cybersecurity Workshop will impart insights into the challenges posed by today's complex cyber environment, covering topics from cutting-edge threat intelligence to effective incident response.&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 3/5/2024 8:27:53 PM Grow your leadership skills at the MHI Industry Leadership Program <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2024</a> -- <em>Leadership</em></strong><br /><div> <div>We welcome new and emerging leaders to our in-person leadership experience at MHI's office in Charlotte, NC on September 10-12. The training includes coaching sessions, mentoring from industry leaders and networking opportunities.&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 3/5/2024 8:31:14 PM Ergonomic products help ensure worker safety <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2024</a> -- <em>Workforce</em></strong><br /><div> <div>The twisting, the bending, the lifting&mdash;it&rsquo;s all part of a typical material handling job. But that job doesn&rsquo;t have to be done without help. Ergonomic products, particularly those that help an associate lift or position items at the right height to prevent bending, are widely available. Improving the use and understanding of these products is at the forefront of the work of MHI&rsquo;s Ergonomic Assist Systems and Equipment (EASE) Council.</div> </div></p> 3/4/2024 1:19:59 PM Mental health requires more than time off <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2024</a> -- <em>Workforce</em></strong><br /><div> <div>If recent years have taught us anything, it&rsquo;s that the business environment is ever-changing, and the ability to keep up depends on your ability to adapt and continuing to gain new expertise. But that&rsquo;s not just about the latest technology or the smartest methodologies. These days, it also includes greater understanding of workers&rsquo; needs&mdash;including when it comes to their mental health.</div> </div></p> 3/4/2024 1:21:58 PM Embracing ergonomics for growth in material handling <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2024</a> -- <em>Workforce</em></strong><br /><div> <div>There is a notable shift in the material handling industry towards onshoring, automation and ergonomic focus. With more factory expansions and retrofits on the horizon, the use of new technologies and advanced automation techniques will be critical to both safety and productivity improvements.</div> </div></p> 3/4/2024 1:38:08 PM MHI announces the 2024 MHI Innovation Award finalists <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 2024</a> -- <em>Top Story</em></strong><br /><div>MHI has released the list of finalists for the 2024 MHI Innovation Awards. After receiving 192 submissions for this year&rsquo;s awards from MODEX exhibitors, seven independent judges completed the initial review process and chose the most innovative products in each category, including the inaugural Best Innovation in Sustainability category.&nbsp;</div></p> 2/9/2024 4:13:33 PM MODEX keynotes that inform and inspire <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 2024</a> -- <em>MHI Updates</em></strong><br /><div>MODEX will feature keynotes that deliver inspiring stories of supply chain superheroes from UPS, leading smart ports, the world of artificial intelligence, and the latest on tech-forward/human-centric operations. But, we&rsquo;ve also revved up our lineup with a movie and real-life superhero with a keynote from Jeremy Renner!</div></p> 2/9/2024 3:46:55 PM MHI unveils new website as enhanced resource for the supply chain industry <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 2024</a> -- <em>MHI Updates</em></strong><br /><div> <div>MHI has launched a new website at&nbsp; The redesigned website delivers MHI members and all users an enhanced and responsive experience across all platforms and devices.</div> </div></p> 2/9/2024 3:50:27 PM MODEX attendees bringing big spending plans to biggest supply chain event of 2024 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 2024</a> -- <em>MHI Updates</em></strong><br /><div>Attendees are looking to invest in automation, robotics, and tech solutions to improve the speed and resiliency of their supply chain operations.</div></p> 2/9/2024 3:53:17 PM Learn about storage rack safety and automation integration at MODEX 2024 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 2024</a> -- <em>Technology and Innovation</em></strong><br /><div>Have questions about the safe design and use of pallet rack? Wondering how to successfully integrate industrial racking with automation? Answers to both questions can be found in two separate MODEX on-floor education sessions. Participating attendees will learn about both storage rack safety and gather automation integration with racking tips at MODEX 2024.</div></p> 2/9/2024 4:19:45 PM Order orchestration optimization through robots <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 2024</a> -- <em>Technology and Innovation</em></strong><br /><div>Today&rsquo;s robots are more sophisticated than ever, as is the software that coordinates them.</div></p> 2/9/2024 4:21:39 PM Discover the full spectrum supply chain at MODEX 2024 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 2024</a> -- <em>Technology and Innovation</em></strong><br /><div>As the speed of manufacturing, transportation, and supply chain operations continues to accelerate, building a more agile, efficient supply chain depends on today&rsquo;s forward thinking decisions. MODEX 2024 brings together the entire industry together to provide end-to-end solutions for your operations.</div></p> 2/9/2024 3:45:08 PM EASE Council panel to discuss ergonomic manufacturing solutions at MODEX 2024 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 2024</a> -- <em>Manufacturing</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Annually, U.S. manufacturers lose nearly $8.32 billion due to serious, non-fatal workplace injuries. According to the 2023 Liberty Mutual Workplace Safety Index&rsquo;s Manufacturing report, the top cause is overexertion when handling objects. Fortunately, there&rsquo;s a solution: ergonomic assist systems. Yet many companies don&rsquo;t know about the broad range of options or how to choose among them. That&rsquo;s why MHI's Ergonomic Assist Systems &amp; Equipment (EASE) Council will host a panel to discuss ergonomic manufacturing solutions at MODEX 2024.</div> </div></p> 2/9/2024 4:26:16 PM WERC Annual Conference introduces three inspiring keynote sessions <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 2024</a> -- <em>Education & Professional Development</em></strong><br /><div> <div>The Warehousing Education and Research Council (WERC), a division of MHI, is excited to announce the keynote sessions for its highly anticipated WERC Annual Conference scheduled from June 2-5, 2024, at the Hilton Anatole in Dallas, Texas.</div> </div></p> 2/9/2024 3:58:10 PM MHI Industry Leadership Program launches new in-person cohort for April 2024 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 2024</a> -- <em>Leadership</em></strong><br /><div>The MHI Leadership Program is dedicated to helping you build strong leaders within your organization. In April 2024, we will hold a three-day, in-person cohort program from April 16-18 in Charlotte, NC. This leadership bootcamp will combine tools, assessments, cohort learning, coaching and peer mentoring.&nbsp;</div></p> 2/9/2024 4:06:25 PM How collision avoidance systems make overhead lifting safer <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 2024</a> -- <em>Workforce</em></strong><br /><div> <div>While operator training, experience, and awareness of surroundings certainly go a long way toward preventing a collision, there are also optional devices that can help. Here&rsquo;s how collision avoidance systems make overhead lifting safer.</div> </div></p> 2/9/2024 4:24:17 PM MHI&rsquo;s Supply Chain Tech Talk: Technology on display at MODEX 2024 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 2024</a> -- <em>Top Story</em></strong><br /><div>MHI&rsquo;s first Supply Chain Tech Talk invites three panelists to discuss the newest tech, innovation and education that will be on display at MODEX 2024. Moderator and MHI CEO, John Paxton, will lead the discussions about some of the hottest trends in the supply chain industry, such as sustainability and last mile logistics. Learn how these trends and the latest emerging tech on the MODEX show floor, like robotics and AI, will impact future supply chains.</div></p> 1/8/2024 10:36:41 AM MODEX Conference to feature five keynotes and 165 educational sessions <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 2024</a> -- <em>MHI Updates</em></strong><br /><div> <div>When the largest manufacturing and supply chain trade event of 2024,&nbsp;MODEX, returns to Atlanta on March 11 it will include over 1,100 exhibitors from leading solution providers and a comprehensive Educational Conference&nbsp;focusing on best-in-class solutions for manufacturing and supply chain operations. The MODEX Conference&nbsp;will include&nbsp;five keynotes (including a new keynote on smart port technology) and over&nbsp;165 show floor educational sessions&nbsp;covering leading trends, best practices and state-of-the-art equipment and technology solutions that can make manufacturing and the entire supply chain work more resiliently, efficiently and profitably.</div> </div></p> 1/8/2024 11:04:42 AM New MHI Solutions features human-tech relations for supply chains <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 2024</a> -- <em>MHI Updates</em></strong><br /><div>Fresh for the New Year, our Q1 issue of MHI Solutions magazine focuses on the relationship between emerging technology and humans. With the rise of automation, AI and machine learning, supply chains are wondering how the work and safety of humans will continue to fit into the equation.&nbsp;</div></p> 1/8/2024 11:25:49 AM Tech is empowering the supply chain workforce <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 2024</a> -- <em>Technology and Innovation</em></strong><br /><div>The focus on technology in supply chains is undeniable. We are now a tech-forward industry that uses tech to make operations more efficient, transparent and sustainable than ever before. But supply chains are run by people, and this human-centricity is the key to continued success. Combining emerging tech with the strength of human ingenuity in a collaborative environment increases morale, safety and profitability.</div></p> 1/8/2024 11:39:38 AM Executive Viewpoint: Bots, automation and the COVID effect <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 2024</a> -- <em>Technology and Innovation</em></strong><br /><div> <div>With COVID, when it comes to making investments in robotics and automation, we had to shift our thinking from &ldquo;How can we do that with people?&rdquo; to &ldquo;How can we do that with automation, and supplement it with people?&rdquo; We recognized that we really need to use automation as a base. That way, if everything falters again, the output won&rsquo;t drop as much. We&rsquo;ll be ready.</div> </div></p> 1/8/2024 11:44:20 AM Automation: A business continuity need <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 2024</a> -- <em>Technology and Innovation</em></strong><br /><div> <div>The warehouse industry is one of the most critical sectors in any economy. As such, any disruption in warehouse operations can have serious consequences, including lost revenue, missed deadlines and unhappy customers. In today&rsquo;s fast-paced business environment, where downtime is unacceptable, the warehouse operations leaders we talk to express the need to ensure business continuity, and automation is a great tool to achieve that.</div> </div></p> 1/8/2024 11:17:07 AM UPS&rsquo;s Bill Seward brings logistics expertise to the MODEX stage <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 2024</a> -- <em>Supply Chain Trends</em></strong><br /><div>At MODEX 2024, we like to cover all the bases. While we&rsquo;re providing celebrity star power with keynote Jeremy Renner, we&rsquo;re also hosting a star of the logistics world. On March 11, Bill Seward will take the stage to deliver a keynote at the Georgia World Congress Center. As President of UPS Supply Chain Solutions, Bill is playing a pivotal role in the technological transformation sweeping the 3PL world.&nbsp;</div></p> 1/8/2024 11:30:20 AM MHI Leadership Program moves to in-person for 2024 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 2024</a> -- <em>Leadership</em></strong><br /><div>The MHI Industry Leadership Program will launch a new in-person cohort in April 2024. Through the program, new and emerging leaders will have the opportunity to connect with peers and executives to broaden their perspective of the supply chain and material handling industry. Topics include emotional intelligence, communication, decision-making, negotiating and managing change. Students will receive assessments, as well as mentoring and coaching, to help improve their leadership style.</div></p> 1/8/2024 11:57:59 AM New WERC online course tackles warehouse safety and compliance <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 2024</a> -- <em>Workforce</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Keeping your workers safe is a high priority if you run a warehouse, distribution center, or fulfillment center.&nbsp; To help your employees gain a deep understanding of the different types of compliance required, WERC has released an online Safety &amp; Compliance course. This course teaches distribution logistics regulations and US compliance, along with an overview of important compliance requirements from OSHA, EPA, DOT and FDA.</div> </div></p> 1/8/2024 11:37:09 AM Jobs of Tomorrow: Back to future of robotics and automation <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 2024</a> -- <em>Workforce</em></strong><br /><div> <div>In this &ldquo;Jobs of Tomorrow&rdquo; episode, leading manufacturers discuss how robotics and automation make warehousing and distribution center (DC) operations more efficient and make jobs in these facilities safer for human workers.</div> </div></p> 1/8/2024 11:14:04 AM Ensuring operator safety: Key features of order picking platforms <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 2024</a> -- <em>Workforce</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Order Picker Platforms play a crucial role in enhancing efficiency and productivity in warehouses, facilitating operators in their task of picking and organizing products. However, with the integration of these platforms, it becomes paramount to prioritize safety features to protect operators from potential hazards.&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 1/8/2024 11:08:38 AM Jobs of Tomorrow: Sustainability and Packaging <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 2024</a> -- <em>Sustainability</em></strong><br /><div> <div>In this Jobs of Tomorrow episode, industry leaders Matt Miller, CEO of Mobile Demand, and Elliott Eckert, VP &amp; Co-Founder of Evolve Packaging LLC, share insights into sustainable packaging. From efficient design principles to automated systems streamlining the supply chain, the episode emphasizes the industry&rsquo;s commitment to overcoming challenges tied to the increasing demand for eco-friendly solutions. It showcases the adaptability of the workforce, with technologies like dimensioning systems and AI integrations offering a glimpse into the developing job landscape. The takeaway is clear &ndash; sustainability requires not just greener materials but a workforce ready to embrace analytical thinking and technological shifts.</div> </div></p> 1/8/2024 11:20:01 AM MHIview&rsquo;s top videos and podcasts of 2023 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>December 2023</a> -- <em>Top Story</em></strong><br /><div> <div>As we near the end of the year, here&rsquo;s a review of the content that captivated MHI viewers in 2023. Automation and emerging tech proved to very popular topics. MHIview videos and podcasts that featured transportation, last mile logistics, artificial intelligence, the future direction of supply chains, and visibility rose to the top of the list.</div> </div></p> 12/8/2023 11:13:06 AM Five reasons why MODEX is the can&rsquo;t-miss supply chain event of 2024 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>December 2023</a> -- <em>MHI Updates</em></strong><br /><div> <div>If you&rsquo;re passionate about staying ahead of the curve in the fast-paced world of supply chain and logistics, there&rsquo;s one event that needs to be circled in bright red on your calendar &ndash; MODEX 2024. Coming to the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta March 11-14, we&rsquo;ve listed five reasons why you shouldn&rsquo;t miss this premier exhibition.</div> </div></p> 12/8/2023 10:52:41 AM Using automation to adapt to changing food and beverage supply chain requirements <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>December 2023</a> -- <em>Technology and Innovation</em></strong><br /><div> <div>The food and beverage supply chain has always had special challenges. But in recent years, those challenges have been amplified by a sustained surge in demand that has pushed storage and distribution capacity to the limit. One strategy for adapting to these changes without compromising speed and efficiency is to integrate storage and distribution more tightly with manufacturing, thereby shortening the supply chain, reducing transportation costs and enhancing inventory control.&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 12/8/2023 10:17:12 AM 6 questions to ask before building or retrofitting for automation <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>December 2023</a> -- <em>Technology and Innovation</em></strong><br /><div> <div>With warehouse, distribution and manufacturing automation technology advancing to never-before-imagined levels, the temptation to apply an automated solution to any problem is high, and understandably so. But automating even simple processes requires more than just a fleet of automated vehicles or a newly automated line. Some level of alteration to the facility itself will likely be necessary for automated equipment to function to its fullest potential. So before engaging contractors or construction companies, it&rsquo;s worth taking time to answer a few questions regarding your automation effort.</div> </div></p> 12/8/2023 10:25:01 AM Creating a culture of innovation <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>December 2023</a> -- <em>Technology and Innovation</em></strong><br /><div> <div>This episode of MHI&rsquo;s &ldquo;Jobs of Tomorrow&rdquo; docuseries imagines a workplace where experimentation isn&rsquo;t just acceptable but applauded&mdash;a place where taking risks and learning from quick trials is ingrained. We delve into the nuts and bolts of impactful strategies, from idea challenges to swift experimentation, illustrating the cultural shift towards innovation.</div> </div></p> 12/8/2023 10:40:31 AM Understanding material flow: The six workflows of a warehouse <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>December 2023</a> -- <em>Supply Chain Trends</em></strong><br /><div>In today&rsquo;s fast-paced supply chain landscape, efficient material flow management is crucial for the success of any warehouse operation. A well-designed material flow ensures smooth coordination of various tasks and processes, improving productivity, reducing errors, and enhancing customer satisfaction.</div></p> 12/8/2023 10:57:57 AM The final stretch: Optimizing the last mile <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>December 2023</a> -- <em>Transportation</em></strong><br /><div> <div>This episode of MHI&rsquo;s &ldquo;Jobs of Tomorrow&rdquo; docuseries offers insights into the challenges confronting the supply chain industry as it strives for timely and cost-effective deliveries, from the initial stages of the first mile to the crucial last stretch. Industry leaders share invaluable strategies tailored to meet the escalating demand for faster and more efficient deliveries.</div> </div></p> 12/8/2023 10:34:11 AM Keynotes that inform and inspire coming to MODEX 2024 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>December 2023</a> -- <em>Education & Professional Development</em></strong><br /><div> <div>MODEX will feature keynotes that deliver must-know information about the future of the supply chain industry. But, we&rsquo;ve also revved up our lineup by reaching into the superhero realm for 2024.</div> </div></p> 12/8/2023 10:11:05 AM Material Handling Education Foundation calls for scholarship applicants for the 2024/2025 academic year <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>December 2023</a> -- <em>Education & Professional Development</em></strong><br /><div>The Material Handling Education Foundation is offering scholarship opportunities to undergraduates who are pursuing a material handling, logistics, or supply chain career. The deadline to apply for scholarships is January 31, 2024.</div></p> 12/8/2023 11:17:55 AM WERC&rsquo;s 47th Annual Conference heads to Dallas in June 2024 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>December 2023</a> -- <em>Education & Professional Development</em></strong><br /><div> <div>The Warehousing Education and Research Council (WERC), a division of MHI, has launched registration for its WERC Annual Conference. The conference is designed for leaders in the warehousing, distribution, and fulfillment landscape and will take place June 2-5, 2024 at the Hilton Anatole in Dallas, Texas.</div> </div></p> 12/8/2023 11:21:01 AM Workforce sustainability: Viewing employees through a fresh lens <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>December 2023</a> -- <em>Leadership</em></strong><br /><div> <div>What if we saw employees through the lens of workforce sustainability? In this view, they&rsquo;re not just expendable resources to be used up and discarded. They&rsquo;re valued long-term, supported and encouraged to reach their full potential, and not just at their jobs.</div> </div></p> 12/11/2023 7:37:13 AM Gamifying the workforce for future-proof supply chains <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>December 2023</a> -- <em>Workforce</em></strong><br /><div> <div>In the latest episode of MHI&rsquo;s Jobs of Tomorrow docuseries, learn the secrets of gamification, automation, and digital technologies shaping the future of supply chain jobs. It&rsquo;s not just about moving products; it&rsquo;s about creating an innovative culture where your skills are not only recognized but also celebrated.</div> </div></p> 12/8/2023 10:21:23 AM Sustain-able: Scopes 1, 2 and 3 in the supply chain <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>December 2023</a> -- <em>Sustainability</em></strong><br /><div> <div>This episode of MHI&rsquo;s &ldquo;Jobs of Tomorrow&rdquo; docuseries digs into the ways companies are setting net zero targets and focusing on reducing the carbon footprint in their supply chains. They are preparing for coming regulations and customer demands to be ahead of the game when it comes to disclosing their Scope emissions.&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 12/8/2023 10:31:56 AM Jobs of Tomorrow docuseries returns with a new season <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>November 2023</a> -- <em>Top Story</em></strong><br /><div> <div>MHI's &ldquo;Jobs of Tomorrow&rdquo; docuseries that profiles the future of the supply chain is back with a new season. All 12 episodes are ready for viewing, so you can start streaming today on MHIview.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>&ldquo;Jobs of Tomorrow&rdquo; features supply chain thought leaders who share their take about where the industry is headed when it comes to jobs, tech and leading trends.&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 11/12/2023 3:16:21 PM What trends and tech are impacting supply chains? <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>November 2023</a> -- <em>MHI Updates</em></strong><br /><div>MHI and Deloitte are currently surveying manufacturing and supply chain leaders on their take on the latest trends and tech impacting supply chain operations as well as how innovation is impacting workers in the space. Be a part of the conversation and tell us what is keeping you up at night. Your responses will be used to complete the 2024 MHI Annual Industry Report that will be showcased during a keynote panel at MODEX 2024.&nbsp;</div></p> 11/12/2023 3:26:25 PM Sustainability makes good business sense, say CSS members <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>November 2023</a> -- <em>MHI Updates</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Everyone is focusing on sustainability these days, including the manufacturers of conveyor and sortation systems. Members of MHI&rsquo;s Conveyor and Sortation Systems (CSS) industry group are making their products&mdash;and operations&mdash;more sustainable. It&rsquo;s good for all stakeholders, including their customers and end-users&mdash;as well as for the good of the planet overall.</div> </div></p> 11/12/2023 2:50:18 PM Developing smarter lift tables, tilters and other lift equipment <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>November 2023</a> -- <em>MHI Updates</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Manufacturers and distributors are demanding smarter lift equipment that integrates with other material handling products to increase efficiency and reduce labor costs.</div> </div></p> 11/12/2023 2:56:58 PM Financial options removing barriers to warehouse automation deployment <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>November 2023</a> -- <em>Technology and Innovation</em></strong><br /><div> <div>The business case for warehouse automation has never been stronger, and the return on investment has never been shorter. Nevertheless, organizations both large and small face a significant hurdle when advancing automation initiatives.</div> </div></p> 11/12/2023 2:48:35 PM Behind the scenes of a thankful feast: 8 fun facts about the Thanksgiving supply chain <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>November 2023</a> -- <em>Supply Chain Trends</em></strong><br /><div> <div>The air is turning cooler, and retailers have Thanksgiving items out in full force &mdash; it&rsquo;s&nbsp;safe to say the holiday season is here! A successful Thanksgiving feast involves advanced supply chain strategies to make sure you have everything you need to make a delicious meal on-time. Here are 8 fun facts about the Thanksgiving supply chain.</div> </div></p> 11/12/2023 3:08:11 PM C-suite for a new warehouse management system <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>November 2023</a> -- <em>Supply Chain Trends</em></strong><br /><div> <div>If warehouse workers are constantly bumping into each other while navigating high-traffic aisles, then hiring more manpower likely would add to the chaos instead of boosting throughput. Likewise, moving into a bigger warehouse is no quick fix for businesses experiencing prolonged growing pains. That was the dilemma facing a major distributor of bicycle parts before the company implemented a warehouse management system (WMS), unlocking the power of data and automation.&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 11/12/2023 2:45:54 PM MODEX 2024 to feature theater dedicated to last mile logistics <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>November 2023</a> -- <em>Transportation</em></strong><br /><div> <div>MODEX 2024 will feature the first-ever theater dedicated to solutions and trends for last mile logistics. The theater is sponsored by DC Velocity and will offer 45-minute seminars on a variety of topics relating to last mile logistics and the impact of ecommerce.</div> </div></p> 11/12/2023 3:30:33 PM Help introduce students to the supply chain at MODEX 2024 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>November 2023</a> -- <em>Education & Professional Development</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Ready to sing the praises of the supply chain industry? Then YOU are just who we are looking for to serve as a tour guide at MODEX. Student Day will be held on March 13, 2024 at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta. Hosted by MHI in partnership with CICHME and MHEFI, this is your opportunity to introduce students to the exciting careers and technologies that power the supply chain!</div> </div></p> 11/12/2023 3:11:44 PM MHEFI invests in the future of supply chain students <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>November 2023</a> -- <em>Education & Professional Development</em></strong><br /><div> <div>The Material Handling Education Foundation, Inc. (MHEFI) is now accepting applications for its 2024/2025 academic scholarships. MHEFI helps brighten the future of the material handling, logistics, and supply chain industry by reducing financial stress for students pursuing a career in the industry.</div> </div></p> 11/12/2023 3:28:45 PM WERC&rsquo;s salary survey report is your guide to current warehouse and logistics compensation requirements <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>November 2023</a> -- <em>Workforce</em></strong><br /><div> <div>If you work in logistics, we don&rsquo;t have to tell you that finding and retaining workers for warehouses and distribution centers is tough! A key element to getting the right team in place is offering competitive pay. To help you make better-informed decisions about compensation and attract employees, WERC has recently released its 2023 Warehousing &amp; Logistics Salary Survey Report.</div> </div></p> 11/12/2023 3:02:44 PM Overcoming unconscious bias in the workplace <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>November 2023</a> -- <em>Workforce</em></strong><br /><div>Unconscious biases are the engrained social stereotypes about other people or groups that people carry without being aware of it. When employees experience unconscious bias in the workplace, company culture and performance suffers.</div></p> 11/12/2023 2:40:22 PM MODEX 2024 to feature education on the sustainability imperative for supply chains in new sustainability theater <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>November 2023</a> -- <em>Sustainability</em></strong><br /><div> <div>MODEX 2024 will feature the first-ever theater dedicated to solutions and trends for supply chain sustainability. The theater is sponsored by Guidehouse and will offer 45-minute seminars on a variety of sustainability topics.</div> </div></p> 11/12/2023 3:32:57 PM Promoting sustainability: DOE $5 million investment <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>November 2023</a> -- <em>Sustainability</em></strong><br /><div> <div>The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has taken a significant step towards achieving cleaner, more sustainable manufacturing. On National Manufacturing Day they announced a $5.2 million investment designed to empower small- and medium-sized manufacturers across the nation to implement improvements that will save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.</div> </div></p> 11/12/2023 2:55:03 PM MODEX - the biggest manufacturing and supply chain event of 2024 is coming to Atlanta March 11-14 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>October 2023</a> -- <em>Top Story</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Registration is now available for the largest manufacturing and supply chain trade event of 2024,&nbsp;MODEX. The event will include over 1,000 exhibitors from leading solution providers and a comprehensive Educational Conference focusing on best-in-class solutions for manufacturing and supply chain operations.</div> </div></p> 10/9/2023 1:37:54 PM Reshoring on the rise: Manufacturing returns to the U.S. <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>October 2023</a> -- <em>Top Story</em></strong><br /><div>Spurred by a desire for greater supply chain resilience, companies are increasingly reshoring and investing in new and updated manufacturing operations in North America.</div></p> 10/9/2023 8:25:56 AM MHI recognizes material handling and supply chain achievement at its 2023 Annual Conference <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>October 2023</a> -- <em>MHI Updates</em></strong><br /><div> <div>At its 2023 Annual Conference, MHI recognized five professionals making an impact on the material handling and supply chain industry. The award winners were announced during an October 3rd ceremony at the Diplomat Beach Resort in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.</div> </div></p> 10/9/2023 10:09:11 AM MHI&rsquo;s MODEX earn two accolades at TSE&rsquo;s Gold 100 Grand Awards <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>October 2023</a> -- <em>MHI Updates</em></strong><br /><div> <div>MODEX has clinched top honors in two categories of the Trade Show Executive (TSE) Gold 100 Grand Awards. MODEX, MHI&rsquo;s premier international supply chain expo, was awarded for having the Best Attendee Acquisition Model and for being the Fastest-Growing Non-Annual Gold 100 Show Blended by Growth in 2022.</div> </div></p> 10/9/2023 10:11:26 AM ECMA evolves into ACE to shape the future of automation, controls, and electrification <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>October 2023</a> -- <em>MHI Updates</em></strong><br /><div> <div>The Electrification and Controls Manufacturers Association (ECMA) proudly announces its rebranding as Automation, Controls, and Electrification Association (ACE), signifying a new era of innovation in industrial automation and material handling.&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 10/9/2023 10:13:00 AM Improving manufacturing facility safety for workers with UWB RTLS <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>October 2023</a> -- <em>Technology and Innovation</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Ensuring the safety for workers in manufacturing environments should be a top priority. However, relying solely on traditional safety measures may not be enough to protect your team from hazardous conditions in large, complex facilities. Fortunately, Ultra-Wideband Real-Time Location Systems (UWB RTLS) have gained popularity for their ability to enhance safety for workers.&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 10/9/2023 8:39:42 AM Robots, automation and the supply chain evolution <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>October 2023</a> -- <em>Technology and Innovation</em></strong><br /><div> <div>It is a modern mantra: &ldquo;Technology will never be as bad as it is today.&rdquo; In other words, as transformative as automation, artificial intelligence (AI) and other technologies already are to supply chain matters, they can only get faster, smarter, more efficient and more cost-effective from here.</div> </div></p> 10/9/2023 8:04:03 AM Supply chain reset <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>October 2023</a> -- <em>Supply Chain Trends</em></strong><br /><div> <div>In retrospect, the just-in-time, single-source, ultra-streamlined supply chain was never built to last. Amid ongoing uncertainty and growing consumer expectations for corporations to reduce their carbon footprint and to disclose their environmental impact, the response has been a global supply chain reset aimed at enhancing sustainability, visibility and resilience.</div> </div></p> 10/9/2023 8:45:49 AM Challenges continue for the retail industry <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>October 2023</a> -- <em>Supply Chain Trends</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Like many industries, retail experienced a major transition during the COVID-19 pandemic as its customers&rsquo; shopping preferences and behaviors underwent radical changes. Now, the industry is weighing what the lessons of the pandemic were&mdash;and what should come next.</div> </div></p> 10/9/2023 8:47:33 AM Building an effective rack safety program for warehouses <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>October 2023</a> -- <em>Education & Professional Development</em></strong><br /><div> <div>A robust rack safety program can positively impact the bottom line, prevent accidents, and reduce costs.&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 10/9/2023 8:34:10 AM Workforce sustainability: Viewing employees through a fresh lens <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>October 2023</a> -- <em>Workforce</em></strong><br /><div> <div>As the current issue of <em>MHI Solutions</em> explores sustainability, MHI Board member and Spaceguard Products CEO Eddie Murphy shares his thoughts about how that might apply to those who work with us. What if we saw employees through the lens of workforce sustainability? In this view, they&rsquo;re not just expendable resources to be used up and discarded. They&rsquo;re valued long-term, supported and encouraged to reach their full potential.</div> </div></p> 10/9/2023 8:13:46 AM Scope 3 and achieving net zero <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>October 2023</a> -- <em>Sustainability</em></strong><br /><div> <div>With looming SEC regulations, companies of all sizes are increasingly recognizing the importance of measuring their emissions footprint, as well as the need to mitigate the harm it causes not only to the environment, but to their ability to do business.</div> </div></p> 10/9/2023 8:19:32 AM Revving up renewables: Clean energy supply chains <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>October 2023</a> -- <em>Sustainability</em></strong><br /><div> <div>An increased focus on renewable energy is&nbsp; happening across the material handling and supply chain industries and the broader economy globally. As cutting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions becomes a high priority for all enterprises, interest in renewables is exploding.</div> </div></p> 10/9/2023 8:22:52 AM Building your green team <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>October 2023</a> -- <em>Sustainability</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Companies that commit to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and improving the sustainability of their operations usually understand that this will be a complex, years-long task. What they may not realize until they begin the process, however, is just how big a challenge it will be to find the skilled workers who can help them implement those pledges.</div> </div></p> 10/9/2023 8:36:34 AM The Panama Canal drought&rsquo;s impact on shipping <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>October 2023</a> -- <em>Global Trade</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Facing an unprecedented drought, the Panama Canal Authority has issued restrictions that are greatly slowing transit through the waterway&ndash;especially for container ships. Because the Canal handles 55% of all containers that ship from Asia to the United States, some shippers are taking actions to alleviate issues.</div> </div></p> 10/9/2023 8:09:23 AM Collaboration is key for supply chain sustainability <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>September 2023</a> -- <em>Top Story</em></strong><br /><div> <div>To meet your supply chain sustainability goals, it&rsquo;s important to look outside of your own walls. That&rsquo;s because, on average, at least 80% of greenhouse gas emissions are produced in your supply chain. That means they are beyond your direct control and your business is only as sustainable as your weakest supplier. The new issue of <em>MHI Solutions</em> covers a variety of topics, including how to tackle Scope 3 emissions, the skillsets necessary to build a sustainability team, clean energy solutions and anticipated sustainability reporting requirements.&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 9/11/2023 11:31:41 AM 2023 WERC TEXAS Warehousing Resource Conference <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>September 2023</a> -- <em>MHI Updates</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Whether you are a seasoned veteran or just starting your journey in the warehousing and supply chain industry, the 22nd&nbsp;Annual WERCouncil Texas Warehousing Resource Conference brings together the latest trends and innovations with one-stop access to the Texas region&rsquo;s top supply chain thought leaders and solution providers.</div> </div></p> 9/11/2023 8:44:30 AM Robots in logistics <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>September 2023</a> -- <em>MHI Updates</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Talk of robotics in logistics is everywhere, and for good reason&mdash;they can deliver significant value. Robotics can take on significant workload, especially those tasks that human workers dislike. In a severe labor shortage, this in and of itself can deliver a benefit. But robots also increase efficiency, reduce error rates, and save workers from wear and tear on their bodies.&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 9/11/2023 11:45:47 AM How Barrett Distribution nails nationwide commerce fulfillment using drone technology <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>September 2023</a> -- <em>Technology and Innovation</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Managing a large, very high-sku inventory operation is unique and challenging. This September 27th webinar will discuss how Barrett Distribution utilized drone-powered inventory monitoring for the nationwide eCommerce Fulfillment for Stadium Goods.</div> </div></p> 9/11/2023 10:03:40 AM Successful warehouse automation a matter of due diligence <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>September 2023</a> -- <em>Technology and Innovation</em></strong><br /><div> <div>With the current state of the labor market&mdash;and the ever-increasing need for efficiency in operations&mdash;questions about making warehouse automation successful abound. Choosing, implementing and scaling the right solution depends on your business and your situation.</div> </div></p> 9/11/2023 8:58:38 AM Rapid growth in mobile automated vehicles cannot leave safety behind <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>September 2023</a> -- <em>Technology and Innovation</em></strong><br /><div> <div>As warehouses and distribution centers increasingly turn to automation such as Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGVs) and Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) the industry has seen robust growth. It is essential that growth is accompanied by an emphasis on safety.</div> </div></p> 9/11/2023 9:11:10 AM Leveraging the power of Real-Time Location Services <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>September 2023</a> -- <em>Technology and Innovation</em></strong><br /><div> <div>These platforms, called RTLS for short, are indoor location systems that operate on a wireless mesh network. Some obvious use cases for this technology involve tracking the location of high-value objects in massive indoor spaces.&nbsp; However, RTLS is particularly applicable for protecting an organization&rsquo;s most valuable asset: its people.&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 9/11/2023 9:56:53 AM Building factories of the future: Asset management with RTLS <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>September 2023</a> -- <em>Technology and Innovation</em></strong><br /><div> <div>New asset management solutions that use Real-Time Location Systems are changing the way modern factories work. With precise tracking capabilities, these solutions eliminate the need for manual labor and physical inspections, ultimately reducing costs. They also aid in preventing theft within facilities.</div> </div></p> 9/11/2023 10:07:56 AM The future of warehousing management systems: Embracing emerging trends and technologies <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>September 2023</a> -- <em>Supply Chain Trends</em></strong><br /><div> <div>With increasing pressure to meet changing consumer demands, the future of warehouse management systems is being shaped by emerging trends and technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, the Internet of Things, and robotics.</div> </div></p> 9/11/2023 9:35:02 AM Motion tracing: The secret weapon in autonomous navigation? <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>September 2023</a> -- <em>Supply Chain Trends</em></strong><br /><div> <div>As autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) become more prevalent in industrial automation, having the right tools available to ensure that these bots can safely and efficiently navigate through a warehouse is of paramount importance. Behind the scenes, however, there are many sensor technologies that support this process, many of which can be described as motion tracking.</div> </div></p> 9/11/2023 9:48:24 AM Unpacking the lithium-ion battery <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>September 2023</a> -- <em>Supply Chain Trends</em></strong><br /><div> <div>The future of mobility is here, and it will soon impact every facet of our life &ndash; from consumer vehicles and public transportation, to last-mile delivery services and ridesharing. It&rsquo;s clear that electric vehicles (EVs) are here to stay and so is what powers them &ndash; batteries.&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 9/11/2023 10:05:47 AM Industrial manufacturing adds luster to the rust belt <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>September 2023</a> -- <em>Manufacturing</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Sometimes labels stick &mdash; even when they no longer accurately portray their subject. Such is the case of &ldquo;rust belt.&rdquo; In a recent MHIcast episode, Gaurav Batra said that after years of working with the industrial manufacturing sector, he has learned that it doesn&rsquo;t get its proper due and it may be time to retire the &ldquo;rust belt&rdquo; label. Batra&nbsp; is co-author of the book, &ldquo;The Titanium Economy: How Industrial Technology Can Create a Better, Faster, Stronger America.&rdquo;&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 9/11/2023 9:41:36 AM Panama Canal will continue to cause grief for supply chains <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>September 2023</a> -- <em>Transportation</em></strong><br /><div> <div>The Panama Canal has never faced a drought as extreme as the existing one. In an effort to conserve water, the Panama Canal Authority limited ship passage this summer, placing a strain on supply chains. A recent study identified many other tactics that companies can use to mitigate this strain including AI that provides early detection of climate threats, as well as working with suppliers to create backup plans were among the suggestions.</div> </div></p> 9/11/2023 9:17:18 AM New Distribution Logistics Equipment course helps train warehouse and DC employees <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>September 2023</a> -- <em>Education & Professional Development</em></strong><br /><div> <div>As warehouses and distribution centers continue to invest in emerging technologies, it&rsquo;s imperative to also invest in the proper training for employees. To help with this mission, the Warehousing Education &amp; Research Council (WERC) has created a Distribution Logistics Equipment course to train participants on the different types of facilities, functions and roles within warehouses and distribution centers.</div> </div></p> 9/11/2023 9:45:23 AM Exploring rack components: A guide to conducting safety inspections <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>September 2023</a> -- <em>Education & Professional Development</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Regular visual inspections are vital to ensure the safety and reliability of your racking system. Detecting and promptly addressing any damage or weaknesses can prevent potential accidents and disruptions in your warehouse operations.</div> </div></p> 9/11/2023 9:52:29 AM Revving up renewables: Clean energy supply chains <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>September 2023</a> -- <em>Sustainability</em></strong><br /><div> <div>As the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions climbs toward the top of the corporate agenda and clean energy technologies become more available and cost-effective, more companies are looking to renewable energy technologies as a key to decarbonizing their own facilities and vehicle fleets and working with their supply chain partners to do the same.</div> </div></p> 9/11/2023 11:36:24 AM The future of sustainability requires data and transparency <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>September 2023</a> -- <em>Sustainability</em></strong><br /><div> <div>For supply chain and material handling, reducing GHG emissions is currently the big focus for sustainability. But before reductions can begin, the right data needs to be collected, prepared and analyzed.</div> </div></p> 9/11/2023 9:04:22 AM ESG metrics begin making inroads in the warehouse <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>August 2023</a> -- <em>Top Story</em></strong><br /><div> <div>The Warehousing Education and Research Council (WERC) DC Measures report helps improve warehousing practices by giving operators a tool to benchmark their own performance against others in the field&mdash;and to chart their own course of improvement. This year&rsquo;s report also explores the application of ESG frameworks in warehousing.</div> </div></p> 8/7/2023 12:52:06 PM MHI&rsquo;s MODEX named as finalist in two categories for Trade Show Executive&rsquo;s Gold 100 Grand Awards <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>August 2023</a> -- <em>MHI Updates</em></strong><br /><div>MODEX, MHI&rsquo;s premier international supply chain expo, has achieved a finalist distinction in two categories of the Trade Show Executive (TSE) 2023 Gold 100 Grand Awards program. MODEX was nominated for the Best Attendee Acquisition Model, as well as for the Greatest Trade Show of 2022.&nbsp;</div></p> 8/7/2023 12:56:12 PM Rack Manufacturers Institute (RMI) embraces a new look in time for 65th anniversary <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>August 2023</a> -- <em>MHI Updates</em></strong><br /><div> <div>RMI is pleased to unveil a new logo and fresh branding to coincide with its 65th year of promoting rack safety. Founded in 1958, RMI is an MHI Industry Group and the leading racking industry association. It currently boasts 38 members, who are identified as leaders in the rack manufacturing and material handling industry space.&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 8/7/2023 12:59:26 PM Understanding warehouse management systems in the cloud <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>August 2023</a> -- <em>Technology and Innovation</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Even as, in general, supply chain software saw an aggressive transition to Cloud deployment in recent years, Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) were a bit late to the Cloud party. There were several reasons for the slow pace of adoption of Cloud WMS.</div> </div></p> 8/7/2023 12:28:06 PM MHI Innovation Award winners demonstrate transformative ability <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>August 2023</a> -- <em>Technology and Innovation</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Of the hundreds of transformative, game-changing technologies that filled each and every aisle at ProMat, three supply chain and material handling solutions stood out among the 156 entries to MHI&rsquo;s 11th Annual Innovation Awards competition.</div> </div></p> 8/7/2023 12:06:55 PM Bridging the gaps: End-to-end supply chain visibility <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>August 2023</a> -- <em>Technology and Innovation</em></strong><br /><div> <div>When Bill Wappler thinks about the current state of supply chain visibility, he envisions nodes in the supply chain as islands in an archipelago, with nothing but blue water in between. A lot of information is being captured by IoT devices on each island&mdash;but a bridge is still needed in order to connect them.</div> </div></p> 8/7/2023 12:09:21 PM Unlock sensor technology for improved operations <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>August 2023</a> -- <em>Supply Chain Trends</em></strong><br /><div> <div>As supply chains have become more complex and handle greater volumes of goods at a faster pace, sensor technology has emerged as one way to improve efficiency, optimize employee skills, address labor challenges and meet customer expectations.</div> </div></p> 8/7/2023 12:18:51 PM The power of omnichannel fulfillment: Creating seamless customer experiences <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>August 2023</a> -- <em>Supply Chain Trends</em></strong><br /><div> <div>In today&rsquo;s fast-paced and highly competitive business landscape, meeting customer expectations is paramount. As consumers increasingly demand convenience and personalization, a warehouse management system (WMS) can help create seamless customer experiences across various channels.</div> </div></p> 8/7/2023 12:39:42 PM Are you tracking the right key performance indicators in your warehouse? <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>August 2023</a> -- <em>Supply Chain Trends</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Warehouses play a crucial role in supply chains, serving as a mid-point in the movement of goods. Improving warehouse management and operational efficiency requires accurate data and the use of key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor and benchmark warehouse performance.</div> </div></p> 8/7/2023 12:16:24 PM Supply chain visibility: By the numbers <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>August 2023</a> -- <em>Supply Chain Trends</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Accenture considers two forms of visibility. Structural visibility through supply chain mapping, classic risk management, network assessment and modeling. Dynamic visibility through monitoring of the supply chain in real time, leveraging analytics capabilities to monitor potential disruptions, and autonomous execution utilizing AI and robotics to automatically adjust operations without human intervention. A recent survey provides insight into how widely these visibility strategies have been implemented.</div> </div></p> 8/7/2023 12:26:11 PM Exploring interoperability options for automated vehicles <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>August 2023</a> -- <em>Supply Chain Trends</em></strong><br /><div> <div>As more and more businesses adopt AGVs and AMRs, the need to be able to mix and match brands in one growing custom fleet &ndash; called interoperability &ndash; is becoming increasingly pressing.&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 8/7/2023 12:30:07 PM Automotive industry emphasizes visibility <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>August 2023</a> -- <em>Manufacturing</em></strong><br /><div> <div>As with many other sectors, the supply chain of the automotive industry has come under increased scrutiny in recent years. Before the pandemic, &ldquo;things had sort of been humming along,&rdquo; said Edgar Faler, senior analyst for the Center for Automotive Research. Then the industry experienced a myriad of fresh challenges associated with the pandemic&mdash;from production shutdowns to semiconductor shortages. Those unexpected complications arrived as the industry was experiencing &ldquo;an enormous transition&rdquo; to electrification.</div> </div></p> 8/7/2023 12:43:39 PM 3 common types of handles for material handling equipment <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>August 2023</a> -- <em>Manufacturing</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Carts, dollies, racks, picking cages, and order picker platforms are essential tools for moving products around a facility. There are various types of handles, and each has a specific purpose.&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 8/7/2023 11:58:06 AM Everyone in the shipping chain stands to benefit from mobile dimensioning <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>August 2023</a> -- <em>Transportation</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Just because you&rsquo;re getting by with a fixed dimensioning system or a measuring tape today doesn&rsquo;t mean you&rsquo;ll be able to sustain your workflow as parcel volumes increase. Mobile dimensioning technology is going to become table stakes for everyone who touches packages along the shipping chain.</div> </div></p> 8/7/2023 12:33:21 PM New approaches to last-mile deliveries <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>August 2023</a> -- <em>Transportation</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Over the last few years, the definition of last-mile delivery has been expanded to encompass many different methods of getting goods to customers. At the same time, the quality of the fulfillment experience has become increasingly important to consumers, who are now more likely to switch brands when they can&rsquo;t get purchases delivered when, where and how they want them.</div> </div></p> 8/7/2023 12:21:56 PM New OSHA program targets safety for material handling workers <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>August 2023</a> -- <em>Workforce</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Safety is the top concern of a new OSHA program, which aims to direct resources toward workers in high-risk industries, including material handling. OSHA attributed the need for the program to the rapid growth of warehousing and distribution center employees over the past decade and the rising rate of illness and injury.&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 8/7/2023 12:12:58 PM Using DEI to recruit: Four things to consider <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>August 2023</a> -- <em>Workforce</em></strong><br /><div> <div>One of the benefits of a diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiative is a company&rsquo;s ability to leverage that distinction when recruiting, retaining and empowering employees. But, just creating a DEI initiative on paper, printing it on posters and publishing it on a website isn&rsquo;t enough. It&rsquo;s imperative to embed DEI within every aspect of a company&rsquo;s culture and processes, to consistently walk the talk and to continuously look for opportunities to improve.</div> </div></p> 8/7/2023 12:46:26 PM Be proactive to meet coming sustainability requirements and create competitive advantage <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>August 2023</a> -- <em>Sustainability</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Companies are seeing more and more demand from their customers, investors, and authorities to publish and enhance their sustainability data. The SEC&rsquo;s proposed rules on companies&rsquo; climate-related disclosures are expected to be finalized soon. If you are, or have customers that are, a publicly held company you need to prepare now.</div> </div></p> 8/7/2023 1:33:05 PM Mexico&rsquo;s exports skyrocket as near shoring increases <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>August 2023</a> -- <em>Global Trade</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Many companies are strategically adopted nearshoring, believing that locating products closer to end markets can fortify their supply chains.&nbsp;According to &ldquo;Total Mexican exports rose 5.8% from a year earlier in May to $52.9 billion, the second-highest reading on record.&rdquo;</div> </div></p> 8/7/2023 12:02:33 PM New MHI Solutions issue focuses on supply chain visibility <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2023</a> -- <em>Top Story</em></strong><br /><div>Visibility is at the forefront of the recently published <em>MHI Solutions</em> magazine. From automation to advanced analytics, the articles in this Q3 issue dissect how companies can build more transparency into their operations.</div></p> 7/10/2023 10:12:12 AM MHI members found on best supply chains of 2023 list <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2023</a> -- <em>MHI Updates</em></strong><br /><div>Gartner has released its list of the top 25 supply chains in 2023. The list showcases companies that have excelled in customer service, innovation and sustainability.&nbsp; Gartner stated about the selected supply chains: &ldquo;They don&rsquo;t just push products; they understand customer value, invest in demand management and promote innovation against ESG.&rdquo; Two MHI members can be found on this year&rsquo;s list.</div></p> 7/10/2023 10:38:26 AM Chart your path to improvement with new DC Measures Report and online tool <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2023</a> -- <em>MHI Updates</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Warehousing, logistics and distribution professionals can turn to WERC&rsquo;s 2023 DC Measures Report and online benchmarking tool for operational metrics that warehouses and DCs can use to measure their performance and make data-driven decisions for improvement.&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 7/10/2023 9:52:23 AM MHI&rsquo;s MODEX goes gold <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2023</a> -- <em>MHI Updates</em></strong><br /><div> <div>MHI&rsquo;s MODEX has made Trade Show Executive&rsquo;s Gold List of 100 honorees, reflecting the growth of the exhibition in 2022. Featuring more than 1,000 exhibitors and covering 1.2 million gross square feet, MODEX 2024 will also highlight the continued innovation of the supply chain industry. This expo, held March 11-14 at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, will display the full spectrum of supply chain and logistics solutions.</div> </div></p> 7/10/2023 10:08:48 AM The cost of not automating your warehouse <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2023</a> -- <em>Technology and Innovation</em></strong><br /><div>While warehouse managers everywhere are considering what it will cost to automate their warehouses, the question they should be asking is, what is the cost of NOT automating? In today&rsquo;s landscape, the numbers speak loudly.&nbsp;</div></p> 7/10/2023 10:43:59 AM Three steps to generating customer-driven innovation <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2023</a> -- <em>Technology and Innovation</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Innovation is becoming a key competitive battleground for supply chains, and customer-driven innovation offers a valuable way to develop fresh ideas. To help generate an innovation spark, we&rsquo;ve identified three key steps to get your team started.</div> </div></p> 7/10/2023 10:28:11 AM Supply chain investments increase, supporting sustainability <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2023</a> -- <em>Supply Chain Trends</em></strong><br /><div> <div>The past three years have seen unprecedented changes in supply chains. The 2023 MHI Annual Industry Report, &ldquo;The Responsible Supply Chain: Transparency, Sustainability, and the Case for Business,&rdquo; highlights the transition of these investments to drive not only resilience and transparency but also sustainability.&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 7/10/2023 10:21:23 AM The forces accelerating the growth of the cold chain <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2023</a> -- <em>Supply Chain Trends</em></strong><br /><div> <div>The global cold chain packaging market size is expected to grow at a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 9.81% between 2023 and 2029. Of course, this growth won&rsquo;t come pain-free. Like the rest of the supply chain industry, the cold chain will have to embrace digital technologies to successfully scale up and keep product safe.&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 7/10/2023 10:06:32 AM Responsible, data-driven supply chains <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2023</a> -- <em>Supply Chain Trends</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Supply chain technology investment is growing as it enables firms with more resilient, transparent and data-driven operations that are providing a key competitive advantage. These responsible supply chains react in real time to changing conditions&mdash;this requires actionable data, automation and automated decision-making.&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 7/10/2023 10:16:22 AM Realizing the potential of a warehouse barcoding system <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2023</a> -- <em>Supply Chain Trends</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Barcoding is a natural choice when inventory starts to grow for a business because with all-manual processes, order cycle time becomes much too long and it becomes much too easy to pick and ship the wrong product.&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 7/10/2023 10:32:23 AM WERC 2023 Conference connected logistics professionals to top-notch educational sessions and networking opportunities <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2023</a> -- <em>Education & Professional Development</em></strong><br /><div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>Attendees of WERC&rsquo;s 46th Annual Conference in June explored how to seize growth opportunities amidst a period of rapid transformation in the warehousing, distribution and fulfillment industry. The event will be held again from June 2-5, 2024 in Dallas, Texas.</div> </div></p> 7/10/2023 10:52:34 AM Enhance your leadership qualities with the MHI Leadership Program <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2023</a> -- <em>Leadership</em></strong><br /><div> <div>With the shift to hybrid work and the immense competition for talent, today&rsquo;s leaders need to foster different qualities than those of past generations. MHI is committed to helping build future leaders who will thrive in the swiftly evolving landscape through our MHI Leadership Program. This unique program gives you access to to mentors, coaches and a network of peers who are also emerging leaders in the supply chain industry.&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 7/10/2023 10:03:24 AM Mexico&rsquo;s exports skyrocket as nearshoring increases <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2023</a> -- <em>Global Trade</em></strong><br /><div>Mexico&rsquo;s exports to the United States are on the upswing, highlighting the increasing popularity of nearshoring. According to &ldquo;Total Mexican exports rose 5.8% from a year earlier in May to $52.9 billion, the second-highest reading on record.&rdquo; Many companies are strategically adopted nearshoring, believing that locating products closer to end markets can fortify their supply chains.&nbsp;</div></p> 7/10/2023 10:48:15 AM WERC releases 2023 DC Measures report and online benchmarking tool <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2023</a> -- <em>Top Story</em></strong><br /><div>The Warehousing Education &amp; Research Council (WERC) recently published the 2023 DC Measures Annual Survey and Report and updated the findings in the Online Benchmarking Tool that helps companies measure and improve the operational performance or warehouses and distribution centers. Used from year to year and based on responses from a diverse network of warehousing, logistics, and distribution professionals, the metrics provide a strong base and consistent approach to reporting performance.</div></p> 6/12/2023 2:59:32 PM How R-Mark certification benefits storage rack and decking buyers <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2023</a> -- <em>MHI Updates</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Buying an R-Mark Certified racking solution brings increased confidence in system safety. This is because only industrial steel storage rack and decking manufacturers who pass a stringent review process receive an R-Mark certification. The review, conducted by an independent, professional rack engineer, confirms that the manufacturer has the ability to design design and build rack systems that meet the high standards of the Rack Manufacturers Institute.</div> </div></p> 6/12/2023 3:06:39 PM EASE Council of MHI announces OSHA alliance <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2023</a> -- <em>MHI Updates</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Ergonomic Assist Systems and Equipment Council (EASE), an MHI Industry Group is pleased to announce the recent alliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to share information on occupational safety standards, and on addressing ergonomic safety and health concerns, as well as the rights and responsibilities of workers and employers.</div> </div></p> 6/12/2023 3:01:31 PM Access ProMat 2023 with Digital Entry <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2023</a> -- <em>Technology and Innovation</em></strong><br /><div> <div>With 50,924 registered attendees and more than 1,000 exhibitors, ProMat 2023 was a bustling event for the supply chain. If you weren&rsquo;t able to visit as many exhibitors as you wanted, we are making it easy for you to go back in time with ProMat Digital Entry. It&rsquo;s also a great option if you were unable to attend the show this year. ProMat Digital Entry enables you to interact with some of the show&rsquo;s best content.&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 6/12/2023 2:32:32 PM Cloud vs. on-premises WMS: Which one fits your business needs? <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2023</a> -- <em>Technology and Innovation</em></strong><br /><div> <div>When it comes to hosting your Warehouse Management System (WMS), you have two main options: cloud hosting and on-premises hosting. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages, and it&rsquo;s important to consider them before making a decision.</div> </div></p> 6/12/2023 3:08:24 PM Three supply chain trends revealed in the 2023 MHI Annual Industry Report <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2023</a> -- <em>Supply Chain Trends</em></strong><br /><div> <div>The 2023 MHI Annual Industry Report, &ldquo;The Responsible Supply Chain: Transparency, Sustainability, and the Case for Business,&rdquo; highlights the importance of building resilient and responsible supply chains. Coauthored by MHI and Deloitte, the findings of this report are based on a survey of more than 2,000 supply chain professionals. Here are three major trends that the report forecasts will characterize 2023.</div> </div></p> 6/12/2023 2:35:02 PM Supply chain podcasts you can download today <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2023</a> -- <em>Supply Chain Trends</em></strong><br /><div>If you are a commuter, runner, walker, or master level multitasker, you probably are always hunting for a new podcast. Have you tuned into MHIcast yet? It&rsquo;s a great way to stay informed about current supply chain trends and get personal career development tips.</div></p> 6/12/2023 2:21:59 PM Short videos that explain emerging supply chain tech <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2023</a> -- <em>Supply Chain Trends</em></strong><br /><div> <div>With digital technologies rapidly entering the supply chain arena, it can be difficult to keep up with the transformation. To help you better understand the technical newcomers, we offer MHIview. This channel hosts videos that give a quick and informative summary of how technical solutions are being implemented into the supply chain.</div> </div></p> 6/12/2023 2:49:39 PM Crane electrification options: Learn about conductor bars, festoons, and cable reels <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2023</a> -- <em>Manufacturing</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Overhead cranes are essential equipment for many industries, including manufacturing and logistics. But in order for cranes to lift and move heavy loads within a facility, they need power. There are three primary crane electrification options: conductor bars, festoon systems, and cable reels. Each offers both advantages and disadvantages, making them ideally suited for different types of overhead cranes and applications.</div> </div></p> 6/12/2023 3:11:49 PM A WERC membership can boost your career in warehousing and logistics <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2023</a> -- <em>Education & Professional Development</em></strong><br /><div> <div>The march toward automation and sustainability is altering job descriptions for those in the warehousing, distribution, and fulfillment industry. As episode 4 of MHI&rsquo;s Jobs of Tomorrow docuseries shows, the introduction of robotics has resulted in many positive changes. For example, robots have assumed some of the dangerous and repetitive tasks previously assigned to humans. However, if you work in the warehousing and logistics industry, automation could trigger some anxiety about your future jobs prospects. The Warehousing Education, and Research Council (WERC) is well positioned to help you thrive in this dynamic industry.</div> </div></p> 6/12/2023 2:29:02 PM MHI docuseries introduces viewers to the supply chain jobs of tomorrow <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2023</a> -- <em>Education & Professional Development</em></strong><br /><div> <div>As part of MHI&rsquo;s mission, we are working to develop new tools to increase awareness and to provide education about the supply chain and material handling industries. To that end, the MHI has developed the &ldquo;Jobs of Tomorrow&rdquo; docuseries comprised of 12 22-minute episodes featuring interviews from industry leaders, as well as from academics, educators, current college students and others working in the field.</div> </div></p> 6/12/2023 2:41:52 PM Sam Potolicchio webinar teaches you how to coach the next generation <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2023</a> -- <em>Education & Professional Development</em></strong><br /><div> <div>If you lead a company or department, it&rsquo;s easy to get bogged down with daily task management.&nbsp; However, your legacy ultimately rests upon your company&rsquo;s future performance. In a new MHI Business Intelligence Webinar on June 20, &ldquo;Leadership Legacy: Coaching the Next Generation,&rdquo; Dr. Sam Potolicchio helps you develop a mindset for the future.</div> </div></p> 6/12/2023 2:47:36 PM Use improvement assessment checklists as part of your ergonomic evaluation tools <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2023</a> -- <em>Workforce</em></strong><br /><div> <div>To lower the risk and severity of musculoskeletal injuries associated with manual handling tasks, there are a variety of interventions and improvements that can occur. Multiple benefits can be gained, including a reduction in injuries and associated worker&rsquo;s compensation costs, as well as a boost in productivity. But before implementing changes, it is important to utilize ergonomic evaluation tools, such as improvement assessment checklists, to ensure the highest likelihood of success.</div> </div></p> 6/12/2023 3:15:25 PM National forklift safety day recognizes safety is paramount <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2023</a> -- <em>Workforce</em></strong><br /><div> <div>From National Donut Day to National Two Different Colored Shoes Day (yes, there really is a day dedicated to this), one can lose track of all of the special days. However, with its strong emphasis on worker safety, National Forklift Safety Day is one the supply chain industry should not forget.</div> </div></p> 6/12/2023 2:52:50 PM Sustainability is the future <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2023</a> -- <em>Sustainability</em></strong><br /><div> <div>The call for sustainability in business has been growing in recent years. If your company hasn&rsquo;t yet been called on to share sustainability metrics, it likely will be soon. In fact, sustainability is poised to become a key part of almost every business. Sustainability is a high-value initiative, but it requires effort.</div> </div></p> 6/12/2023 2:25:17 PM 5 ways to optimize your warehouse <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2023</a> -- <em></em></strong><br /><div> <div>Ecommerce leaders don&rsquo;t have to be the only ones optimizing their warehouse performance. There are plenty of options you can implement to efficiently streamline your facility without breaking the bank. Here&rsquo;s 5 actionable ways you can optimize your warehouse for efficiency.&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 6/12/2023 2:40:04 PM License plating for optimal traceability <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2023</a> -- <em></em></strong><br /><div> <div>From the moment a shipment arrives in the receiving dock, it is imperative that the contents are identified and its location is followed throughout the warehouse process. Knowing what product you have and where it is at a moment&rsquo;s notice is an assured way to maximize warehouse efficiency and management. Here is where license plating comes in handy. This method of optimizing information allows you to track and access critical data with the simple scan of a barcode.</div> </div></p> 6/12/2023 2:44:59 PM Circular is the new green <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 2023</a> -- <em>Top Story</em></strong><br /><div>As pressure ramps up on companies to cut their carbon footprints, more businesses are looking to the circular economy business model, a sustainability approach that focuses on decoupling economic growth from resource consumption. For companies that are serious about meeting their net-zero emissions goals, it might be time to start thinking circular.</div></p> 4/25/2023 8:48:22 AM