—Sometimes it seems like we’re living in the world of The Jetsons, the 1960s television cartoon series that predicted robotic maids, flying cars, drones and 3-D printed food. But as change sweeps across the supply chain, many innovations are actually a replay of successful strategies of the past—only much, much faster. This is especially true of last mile delivery, that final leg of the journey from manufacturer to end user.
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EBN—Finding the right tasks for collaborative and autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) is a bit of a challenge. But, as AMRs have an open interface, it is possible to put them to work in automated settings that could be both cost-effective and efficient.
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Logistics Management—In a world awash in cyber threats, partners and suppliers can be the vulnerable points that cyber criminals exploit to gain access to systems. Those challenges will get worse before they get better as supply networks become ever more complex.
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MHI’s new Career Forum enables manufacturing and supply chain professionals to view current job postings of MHI member companies. Go to to find the perfect opportunity for you.
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MHI Blog—Robotics and automation are pretty hot topics in industrial B2B right now, for both good and bad. They are taking the hard and dangerous jobs, like heavy lifting and painting, but they aren’t smart or dexterous enough to do it all.
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Material Handling & Logistics—A new survey shows that 60% of businesses haven't adopted blockchain and that could be because 40% said they don't understand the technology, or don’t see how it could be useful for their company.
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