Producers are Made for the Future. By Heather Mason

Like you, I’m a live event producer. But live events are now illegal in many ways. People are barred from meeting in groups not just in one state or country, but in most countries around the world. Never would I have thought that the thing I love to do more than anything would be banned – that people would be afraid to meet in-person, rather than excited. But here we are. And the end isn’t yet in sight. Though there are predictions this could let up in the fall, there are many companies and individuals who may be hesitant for a while after that. In other words, I think we’re in a for a long ride here.

So why would I be feeling so positive about the future? Writers who document survivors of traumatic events (be it car accidents, being lost in the woods, etc.) continually focus on the fact that acceptance of all scenarios and realistic appraisals are key to survival. Those who are too negative often don’t make it, nor do those who are too positive. The ones who appraise the situation realistically have the best chance.

And this is where event producers are born to succeed. When we plan an event, we don’t only plan for the best case outcome, we plan for every outcome. We are thinking of what could happen, what may happen, and not just what we want to happen. We are naturals when it comes to rational, resilient thinking. And that skillset, that mindset, is what will help us survive now.

Of course there are massive losses in our industry. That's not to be denied, and any realist wouldn't do so. However, it doesn’t take an optimist to also say there will be opportunity. It just might not be obvious. It takes the problem-solving, resilient producer to see it.

Virtual convenings are just the tip of the iceberg. And they won’t just be a "because we have to," but they'll be a new normal. Hybrid events might even bring (and should bring) more money to produce dual events. As well, the focus on how to convene and how to connect will showcase the strategy of the event producer. We won’t be seen as just logistics, because while logistics are a part of online events, everyone is finally(!) thinking about strategy. They will see us for our brains, not just our processes. And that is a good thing. That could be transformational for our industry and our paychecks.

Do I have any back-up for what I’m saying? Yes. We’ve booked two consulting contracts for strategy in the past two weeks that I don’t think would have happened without the necessity caused by this crisis. The clients who would have told us to stay in our logistics box, have finally let us out. It’s a perfect opportunity for us all to showcase what we’ve been, and can be, all along – strategists. It’s the mantra of our Caspian 10 Essentials – and our online training – more money, more respect, more power.

Check out our 5-minute FREE Mindset Makeover to shift your mindset, learn the ability to see greater results, challenges and capitalize on opportunities for growth even in times like COVID-19.

This is not the end of our industry. This is a new beginning.