MPISCC Chapter Chat Recap

In case you missed it, MPISCC hosted a Chapter Chat on Wednesday May 13th.  It was an opportunity for members to hear directly from Southern California leadership about the health of our chapter, and for the Board of Directors to hear from membership on how we can best serve them during these unprecedented times. 

Discussion topics included Member Support, Scholarships, Chapter Programming and MPI Global Initiatives.   

Below is a round up some of our favorite pics from past MPISCC meetings  ....#TILLWEMEETAGAIN


Attendees were polled prior to the event “what type of content would you find most valuable right now?”  Responses included:  

If there are topics you would like to see offered, but are not included above, be sure to take the MPISCC Education and Membership Survey and make your voice heard!

The event closed with a lively Q&A discussion, where participants took the opportunity to share with one another how their organizations are handling the transition to a virtual world, and what they currently experiencing.  Many attendees felt that the discussion, which allowed members to hear from one another directly, was incredibly valuable.  Look for another Chapter Chat coming soon!

Attendees kicked off the session with a look back at images from some of our favorite moments of the year