Chapter Chat Recap by Chrissy Thompson

While I’ve been fortunate enough to continue working throughout the pandemic, this intimate conversation helped open my eyes to resources and event professionals I may not have otherwise known about or met. The insight and ideas shared were invaluable. I can't stress how much of a blessing this opportunity was to myself and even more so to those who have been furloughed or laid off.


More on the event and why you should join the next one

After a brief introduction and celebration of milestone members, President-elect Amani Roberts opened with a series of thought-provoking questions:

●        How have you survived being furloughed?

●        How are you using your current skills to propel you into a new job or role?

●        What experiences are transferable?

●        How can we get through this feeling of isolation?

●        How can we manage our mindset?


Throughout the event, he called on audience members to share their ideas, creating an engaging dialogue and optimizing Zoom's chat feature. 

We also learned that some of our fellow event professionals have been utilizing the downtime to focus on personal projects, spend more time with family or learn a new language. Those who have been furloughed stressed the importance of staying in touch and maximizing online social tools such as LinkedIn. Others reminded us to not take it personally if we were out of work for the moment.

My key takeaways from this incredible hour-long event include staying connected to other event professionals and the importance of a learner's mentality. Although I know just how resilient we are, I was genuinely inspired to see us come together. We're an uplifting community, and the MPI Southern California Chapter Chat couldn't have done a better job at bringing this community together.

Chrissy Thompson is the founder & senior event producer at Dynamo Events. We produce virtual events that build brands and drive business. Book a complimentary 20-minute consultation today.