Featured Member: Carlos Murillo

  Tell us about YOU!

Having been involved with MPISCC for close to 20 years, I can truly say I AM MPI. I learned this by being involved! At first, sure, a bit nervous with time commitment, however, as I took the dive into volunteering on the Membership Committee, I soon discovered it was about an hour a week of involvement! As I got further involved, I started meeting peers, potential clients, attending workshops and learning more and more about our industry. Sooner than I realized, I was now on more committees, stepping up and doing chair type of roles, then director type roles, then VP roles—ALL while keeping true to myself and the industry. As such, as I made lifelong friends, built 

my brand through MPISCC, have gotten business from my involvement, mentored many future leaders (some who are now getting on the Board), been a mentee (thank you, Kathleen Cochran), grown in both a professional way and a personal way. I believe in what we do and how resilient we are, our industry is our chapter is. I AM MPI. If you are reading this and not sure you want to volunteer, please contact me and it will be my absolute pleasure to walk you through it.

•  MPI has seen my three children grow
•  MPI has seen me through 22 of my 30 years of marriage
•  MPI has seen me grow from a Jr. Sales Manager to having my own team as DOSM, DOSC, DOS
•  MPI has seen me at my greatest in my profession
•  MPI has seen me at my worst, losing a job, parents moving in with me, becoming my father’s fulltime care taker
•  MPI has seen me rise from the ashes yet again. MPI MEANS SOMETHING! I AM MPI!

What are some fun things about you?

•  I love an occasional cigar
•  I enjoy sneaking out to the movies ALONE and no one knowing
•  I love get togethers with my wife, kids and friends
•  I AM COSTA RICA and help with anyone’s trip from planning to ideas…literally, I do it all the time. Hit    me up for anything re: Costa Rica.)

How To Find Carlos:

•  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carlos-murillo-01373513

Company Handles:

•  Facebook: laquintaresort 
•  Instagram: laquintaresort
•  LinkedIn: laquintaresort