MPISCC Member Highlight: Amanda Ma

In 2006, Amanda co-founded her first event management agency, followed by the founding of Pamper Me Fabulous in 2008. Her unwavering dedication and entrepreneurial spirit eventually led her to establish Innovate Marketing Group in 2014.

As the Founder and CEO of Innovate Marketing Group, Amanda has propelled the agency to new heights, earning a stellar reputation for delivering outstanding results and fostering enduring relationships with top brands such as TikTok, Google and East West Bank. Her visionary leadership and innovative mindset have made her a recognized thought leader in the industry, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in events and marketing.

Amanda's contributions to the events industry have been widely recognized, earning her prestigious titles such as Eventex's "Top 100 Most Influential People in the Event Industry Globally" and Bizbash's "Top 500 Most Influential Event Professionals in the US." She is also a renowned business and community leader, serving on various boards and making a positive impact in her community.

In addition to her achievements, Amanda is also the host of the popular EventUp Podcast and a #1 Amazon bestselling author, further showcasing her diverse talents and passion for sharing knowledge. Amanda Ma's unwavering dedication to excellence and her trailblazing spirit continue to make her an influential figure in the events industry and beyond.

In her spare time, she loves spending time with her family, watching K-drama and traveling. She has traveled to over 30 countries so far. She loves champagne and boba milk tea!

Her proudest professional achievements encompass a wide range of successes. From successfully launching and managing multiple companies to navigating through the challenges of the pandemic while still finding time to give back to the community. As the Innovate Marketing Group scaled to new heights under her leadership, it has become a testament to her unwavering dedication and vision for the future.
Additionally, the inception of the EventUp Podcast was born out of a genuine desire to provide valuable insights on the ever-evolving events industry. What started as a platform to shed light on the current happenings within the events industry has now blossomed into a hub where esteemed guests from diverse fields such as events, public relations and marketing share their wisdom. One of the primary goals of the podcast is to highlight and uplift the voices of women and other underrepresented professionals in the industry, as diversity and inclusivity are core values of the diverse, woman-owned business she leads.

Through EventUp, her vision is to create a space where like-minded individuals who share a passion for events and beyond can come together, learn and be inspired. Providing value and fostering a community that celebrates the incredible work of this industry is always at the forefront of her mission.

On a personal level, nothing brings her more joy than being a mother to her two wonderful kids. They light up her life each day with their presence and are a constant source of inspiration and happiness.

In addition to her role as a mother, community engagement has always been a significant aspect of her life. She firmly believes in giving back and making a positive impact wherever she goes. Her unwavering commitment to leaving a place better than she found it reflects her deep-rooted values and desire to contribute to the betterment of society.

The power of community has been an extraordinary force in her life, and her involvement with MPISCC (Meeting Professionals International Southern California Chapter) has been truly enriching. Through this community, she has had the privilege of connecting with incredible individuals who share her passion for the events industry.

She was particularly proud to witness MPISCC stepping up their efforts towards diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) during the pandemic, further solidifying her pride in being a part of this community.

Working alongside dedicated leadership, she is excited to contribute to future DEI initiatives within MPISCC, as they strive to create a more inclusive and welcoming environment for all members. Together, they are committed to driving positive change and fostering a community that reflects the values of diversity, equity and inclusion.

Connect with Amanda on Facebook or LinkedIn. Follow Innovative Marketing on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn to learn more!