MPISCC Scholarship Deadline Extended!

Each year, MPISCC is proud to offer incredible scholarships opportunities to support our members. Read on to learn about each of the opportunities. Recipients will be announced during the Annual Installation & Awards Celebration on June 21st at the Hilton Pasadena.

The You Belong Diversity Scholarship

Our newest scholarship aims to recognize event industry professionals of diverse backgrounds who, through sharing their varied cultural perspectives, enhance our membership. Funds may be used for a one-year new membership or Inclusive Event Strategist Certification.

Beverly Laing Student Scholarship

This scholarship recognizes the importance of the organization to mentor, train and recruit younger members currently studying toward an ultimate goal of a career in the meetings industry. It supports students in their journey by providing complimentary membership and attendance for chapter events.

Gary J. Rosenberg Scholarship

This important scholarship promotes educational excellence to members by assisting with expenses for recipients — supporting them with conference participating, earning their CMP or taking advantage of other educational opportunities — awarding scholarships of up to $1,500.


Winners will be recognized during Installation on June 21st.

Click here to nominate or apply by June 1st.