MPI So Cal Connect

MPI Southern California Chapter

On the evening of Feb. 9, MPISCC came together again, virtually, for our third book club. This time the discussion was focused on The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters by Priya Parker. The book delves into the importance of gathering and how events, meetings, conventions and other types of assemblies have become monotonous and far too reliant on routine practice. The author presents a methodology that hones in on the human aspect of events and the goal of creating experiences that are both meaningful and memorable for attendees and organizers. The topic was intriguing and incredibly relevant for our group, especially at a time when in-person gatherings have been limited, if permitted at all.

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On Feb. 23, MPISCC hosted its “Share the Love” Game Night fundraiser in support of the chapter’s nonprofit organization, which provides educational, networking and scholarship opportunities to our members. The event was hosted on Zoom and sponsored by Go Team Events and Viejas Resorts.


This game show mash-up included four highly interactive team games during just over an hour of play. To add to the excitement, between each game MPISCC raffled off some amazing prizes, including a behind-the scenes tour of SoFi Stadium, a two-hour BMW Experience and a stay at Viejas Resort & Casino. Between the raffles and games, it was a jam-packed event full of fun opportunities for networking and healthy competition.

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MPISCC’s very own Chrissy Thompson will be teaming up with MPI British Columbia as a panelist for a discussion about the meeting and event industry. The talk will touch on meeting and event design fundamentals past, present, and future. This virtual event will take place on Thursday, March 18th at 12PM (PST). Click on the link below to learn more and join the conversation!

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Women obtained the right to vote in the United States in 1920. They weren’t “given” that right. They fought hard for over 70 years before it became a reality. And we are still fighting for our rights today.


I was always proud of my mother who, along with my father, attended the University of Missouri’s School of Journalism. Both graduated in 1943, a rarer event for women at that time.  After graduation, however, they were presented with different opportunities to take in their life paths. My father was invited to join his company’s management team, while my mother’s only offer was as a secretary. She later had four children and stayed home to raise our brood throughout the ‘50s and ‘60s. But I always wonder what this bright, creative, talented woman could have been and if she was really happy, even though this was the cultural norm of the time.

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Naylor Association Solutions
To highlight Women’s History Month, MPISCC sat down with Tracy Judge, Women’s Advisory Board member and active supporter of the MPI Women Community. We wanted to share her story and let you know what resources are available to you to fuel your personal and professional growth through MPI. 


Read on to learn more about Tracy and how you can become involved with this incredible group of women and allies.

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Flashback to March 2020.


The meetings and events industry was sideswiped by a world pandemic, sending meeting planners around the world on a crash course in virtual experiences. Over what is coming up on a year, industry professionals have expertly turned an impossible situation into new possibilities, transitioning in-person events to a virtual environment. As Plato said, “Necessity is the mother of all invention.” You know what else is the mother of all invention?



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Industry News
Women, especially women of color, have been disproportionately disadvantaged by the pandemic in the meetings and events industry, where many have lost their livelihoods. Women make up so much of the workforce in this industry, so why is there such a gender imbalance at the top?

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The CDC has released new information critical for meeting organizers preparing shows scheduled in 2021 and beyond. The guidance includes details on the risk levels of various gatherings, key actions that can help prevent the spread of the virus, cleanliness protocols and considerations for cancelling or postponing.

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Because meeting and event planners are being asked to do more with less and raise the bar on experiences year-over-year, you must learn how to demonstrate the deeper business impact and return on investment (ROI) of your meetings or events.

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Naylor Association Solutions