the EVENT 2020 – April 2-4, 2020
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April 2-4, 2020
the EVENT 2020 will be hosted at the Westin Prince, Toronto, Ontario
But you do not need to wait until next spring for another EVENT experience.
the EVENT will be at the World Education Congress.
Be sure to be attend on Monday, June 17, 2019, to applaud our chapter’s success as a Rise Award nominee and stay tuned for the Storyteller Session: The Conquerer — Collaboration, Cultivation, Elevation - The Story of the EVENT.
Learn how these MPI chapter leaders from Ottawa, Toronto and Montreal/Quebec pooled volunteers and resources to offer a multichapter, rotating event that elevates the delivery of content to members, with the common goal of providing innovative educational experiences. The inaugural edition in April 2018 delivered on that — and much, much more.
Watch for the EVENT 2020 registration opening soon.