The Importance Of Protecting Your Fleet From Negligent Entrustment

Accidents happen. Legal liability follows accidents. In the highly interactive session Protecting Your Fleet from Negligent Entrustment, on April 8, Attorney John Cruickshank will address how to minimize the damage that will occur thru negligent entrustment, vehicle safety integration, and the growing influence of Black Box Technology. Attendees are asked to participate with specific questions about their operations, and a willingness to share past experiences and solutions with other attendees.

You will learn how to identify and manage legal liabilities that will arise thru daily operation of your fleet. You will also find out how to develop processes to prevent negative impacts on your fleet from legal judgments (re: negligent entrustment), and gain down-to-earth knowledge of the U.S. legal process and how it impacts daily fleet operations..."right or wrong" may have no bearing!

You cannot afford to miss this session on Tuesday, April 8.