Four I&E Tips From Fleet Peers


Unsure of the best ways to take advantage of everything I&E has to offer? Take these tips from fleet peers who have the inside track for making I&E work for you.

Donna Bibbo, CAFM, Manager of Fleet & Travel, NovoNordisk: "Look over the list of exhibitors in advance and decide which ones you definitely want to visit and talk with, then do that the first day. That leaves the second day for those that you didn't make it to on day one, and a chance to go through the rest of the show."

Patricia Smith, Senior Specialist Facilities/Fleet Management for Diageo North America, Inc.: "Attend as many education sessions as (attendees) can find on the schedule that fit their needs – and one that is totally not part of their responsibility so that they can see what else fleet entails."

2013 FLEXY Winner Christy Coyte Meyer, CAFM from Johnson Controls, Inc.: "My advice would be to not get yourself locked into so many meetings. Allow at least one of the days to walk the expo floor."

Patrick T. Barrett, MPA/CAFM, Director, University of Nebraska Transportation Services: "Bring business cards, lots of business cards. You are going to see ideas you never thought possible or that applied to fleet, and you are going to want to make sure that vendor or peer has your contact information."