Be A Part Of The Session Vehicle Selector Process: Balancing Cost and Productivity Benefits With Potential Risks

Choosing the vehicles your drivers will drive is a fundamental decision. It cuts across almost every function of the fleet manager, from the all-important safety aspect to the ever-present financial burden. It is crucial to make the best decisions you can for what vehicles you add to your fleet. The session Vehicle Selector Process: Balancing Cost and Productivity Benefits with Potential Risks will guide you through this necessary job function.

Investing in option content and/or safety features can reduce cost and improve risk management outcomes. How do you negotiate the budget process and gain approval and financial buy-in from internal stakeholders? This interactive session will use real-world scenarios to work through the decision-making process, identify potential challenges and how to work around them, and share best practices and tips on what to do when you have zero or little supporting data for a new technology. Join this insightful interactive session, featuring real work-day scenarios being played out by participants.

Learn the process of decision-making with little or no hard data to support purchases, how to better gain internal stakeholder approval, tips on how to negotiate to reduce risk, and much more.

be a part of the session Vehicle Selector Process: Balancing Cost and Productivity Benefits with Potential Risks today at 11:00 a.m. For more information, consult the 2014 Detailed Program by clicking here.