NAFA President Announces Exciting New Initiatives At Annual Business Meeting

The Annual Business Meeting at I&E is traditionally the session where NAFA leaders let members and attendees know about all the great things NAFA did the previous year, and offer a glimpse of the Association's future direction. Yesterday morning's meeting was no different, but NAFA President Claude Masters, CAFM, let attendees know that the future is right now. He announced the creation of NAFA’s Sustainable Fleet Standard Program and the formation of NAFA's Government Affairs Committee.

"NAFA, in cooperation with CALSTART, has worked diligently for more than 18 months to this end by using the collective brainpower, experience, and expertise of nearly two dozen veteran fleet managers, as well as the good resources at CALSTART," Masters said. "Now, NAFA is setting the standard for what it means to be a sustainable fleet."



NAFA’s Sustainable Fleet Standard Program is a self-assessment tool that helps fleets measure and track accomplishments -- and provides recognition for those accomplishments -- based on NAFA’s definition. The Program will aim to demonstrate that fleet is improving air quality through emission reduction; increasing fuel efficiency; and reducing fuel usage. Fleets will be assessed on its own unique progress and real actions.

The Program will help track:
But this program is not a goal for the future, as President Masters announced it is now is already in its beta-phase of testing, with seven esteemed charter members participating and supporting.

"I encourage you to consider joining this ground-breaking program as a Charter member," President Masters said. "Applications for Charter members are still being considered. You can help shape the final program methodology and calculations, and gain recognition as a leading fleet organization."

Then President Masters announced the formation of NAFA's Government Affairs Committee, a unit that will become the preeminent voice for fleet to the halls of legislative influence.

"They will prioritize the issues facing NAFA members, drafting position statements and developing strategies to ensure that our fleet voice is heard and that it has meaningful, positive impact," President Masters said

The Government Affairs Committee consists of NAFA leaders:
"To make this happen, NAFA, as the leading association of fleet professionals, needs to continue to increase our interaction with the Department of Energy, with the EPA, with Clean Cities, and with all the federal agencies that impact fleets," President Masters said. "We want to improve the world we live in, and breathe in. We want to leave it a better place. We want to be a part of the solution."