Drill Down On That Data To Find Crash Stats that Matter and Those That Don’t

Are you collecting crash data? What do you do with it? What would you say if you found out some of that data was irrelevant to you, and how could that possibly be?  

In the session Crash Stats that Matter and Those That Don’t, on Thursday, April 16, you will learn how to identify crash factors that are relevant to fleet vehicles, learn why fleet crash statistics are different from the general population of vehicles on the road and participate in an interactive group session that develops objective crash standards that are relevant to you. Janis Christensen, CAFM® from Mercury Associates, will be leading this session along with Kathy Konicki, Director of Associate Safety at Nationwide Insurance.
Learn why fleet crash statistics are different from general population numbers, master how to identify crash factors that are relevant to fleet vehicles, and participate in an interactive group session that develops objective crash standards. Crash Stats that Matter and Those That Don’t will surprise you and may change the way you look at your data forever. Join us on Thursday, April 16 for this provocative session!