Master The Process! Get the Skinny: Lean Beyond Manufacturing

While many people have heard of the "Lean System," a well-known process in the business world, a misconception is that it applies only to manufacturing. Did you know that you can apply its methods of reducing productivity and process inefficiencies to every work-related scenario and reap significant benefits?

The course Get the Skinny: Lean Beyond Manufacturing on Thursday April 16, will provide a high-level training of the Lean technique and how it applies to fleet managers, and will show concepts, tools, and methodologies that address areas of concern such as:  fleet asset, maintenance, and information management. Fleet managers are always looking for ways to decrease costs and eliminate waste and Lean is a powerful tool to do just that.

You will learn how to define value from your customers’ perspectives, both internal and external; how to identify waste in your processes; tools and methodologies to eliminate waste and streamline processes; and much more. Make Get the Skinny: Lean Beyond Manufacturing a part of your Thursday session agenda at the 2015 I&E.

For more information, check out the 2015 I&E Detailed Program by clicking here.