Create The Plan And Make It Stick At I&E!

Deploying a fleet policy is a process, and like any process, each step forward is as important as the last. Find out about every step in the Professional Development session Deploying an Effective Fleet Policy on Tuesday, April 14 at I&E.

Learn how to create a fleet policy as an overall cost-control strategy, what you need to have in place to have a policy that reduces costs, and the elements of a successful policy that informs drivers of their responsibilities and penalties for non-compliance. Review best practices for deploying the driver policy throughout your fleet and to get that buy-in from employees.

A good policy is one that will be adhered to. With this educational session, you will learn how to review your current policy for potential improvements, how to ensure you have the right elements included in a fleet policy, and the appropriate methods to distribute your fleet policy so it is received properly and can be effective.

Deploying an Effective Fleet Policy will help you make the plan and get it into the hands of those who will carry it out! Be here on Tuesday, April 14, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm to take part, and check out other terrific I&E sessions on Tuesday by clicking here!

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