Law Enforcement Group Service Issues/Advisory Board Overview

The LEG Service Issues/Advisory Board Overview happens today, 10:15 am - 12:30 pm, in Room W224C (Convention Center Level II). This session will be broken into two parts:
Law Enforcement Vehicle Services Issues (Part I)

You, together with other peer Law Enforcement Group fleet managers, will be able to openly present, discuss, and find solutions to your Department’s vehicle issues with each of the manufacturer’s, Chevrolet, Ford, and FCA representatives. They will listen to the Department’s concerns and respond to each accordingly.

Law Enforcement Advisory Board Overview

You will hear from actual members of the various manufacturer’s Advisory Boards. Hear their experiences while they are serving on the Board and why it is "key" to stay in touch with them. The session will include Board members from the FCA Advisory Board, the Chevrolet Product Council, and the Ford Police Advisory Board. New, and for the first time this year, there will also be representation from the Harley-Davidson Motor Cycle Board. Plan to attend this educational, fact filled session.

You will meet the big three manufacturer’s key service representatives, learn the vehicle service issues/concerns of other departments, present and hear resolutions to service issues that your Department is experiencing with your Law Enforcement Vehicles. You'll also learn why it is very important to reach out to these individuals for the "Police Vehicle of Tomorrow," listen to practical experiences of each Board member while serving their term on the Advisory Board, and learn why the Boards were formed, the importance of each, and how you may qualify to serve on one of them.

 This is a "must" for law enforcement fleet managers, so you won't want to miss the LEG Service Issues/Advisory Board Overview, 10:15 am - 12:30 pm, in Room W224C (Convention Center Level II).