NAFA CEO Phil Russo, CAE Announces "We Are NAFA"

NAFA CEO Phil Russo, CAE kicked off the Annual Business Meeting on Tuesday morning with a bit of audience participation, and ended with a lasting thought of what NAFA membership really looks like and consists of.


Asking the audience for his indulgence, Russo requested that cameras to be turned around to show the audience. Then he named the corporate fleet representatives and asked that they stand. In a large room of over 900, a major portion of those in attendance rose to their feet. 

Then Russo asked law enforcement and public fleet professionals to rise. Finally he asked for university and utility fleet individuals, and service providers to stand up. By this time, the whole audience were on their feet.

 "There is no other organization as large, with the diversity of membership that NAFA has, and that is one of NAFA's greatest strengths," Russo said, then asking the attendees to give themselves a big hand.

It was a strong point to make for the opening of the Institute & Expo, but an effective one. NAFA's member base brings experience and information from the widest spectrum of the fleet professionals, and brings all that collaborative energy to the I&E.