Enhancing Officer Safety Behind the Wheel

The session "Enhancing Officer Safety Behind the Wheel," Thursday, April 21, will examine best practices in enhancing officer safety behind the wheel. A distinguished panel of experts and fleet managers will discuss alternative technologies and fleet practices concerning: conspicuousness, strength of vehicular materials and ballistic protection, officer comfort, visibility and alertness dealing with various visual and mental distractions, and other vehicular features and characteristics that affect officer safety in the police car.

 Some of the things you will learn in this session are how to effectively plan, design and upfit police vehicles while maximizing officer safety, as well as how driveability and officer safety change when vehicle characteristics like tire performance and braking/stopping distances vary. 

Make sure that this informative session is part of your education itinerary! Find out more about all the great education happening at I&E with the online conference agenda -- click here for more!

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