Global Insights for Bottom Line Value

Every market has different needs and requirements and as a global fleet manager, you’re responsible for managing the bottom line. How you structure regional and global deals is critical to managing drivers, streamlining reporting, identifying challenges early on, and coming in on target.

Further, global fleet managers must marry their knowledge of market-by-market business landscapes with an understanding of local cultural context in order to successfully navigate global negotiations and policies to the benefit of their fleets. In the session "Global Insights for Bottom Line Value" on Monday, April 18, you will learn strategies to more effectively negotiate global and regional policies to help you better manage your global fleet operation.

IFA registrants will learn to better understand cultural nuances in key global markets, how to structure global deals to better suit your business needs and maximize value for your organization, how to leverage structure of global providers, how to manage a fleet from a global perspective while still contributing at a local level, and much more!

The International Fleet Academy is the place to learn about this ever-expanding necessity in the business world. Register for this informative pre-conference event by clicking here!

Make sure that this informative session is part of your education itinerary! Find out more about all the great education happening at IFA and I&E with the online conference agenda -- click here for more!

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