Root Causes Of Crashes: Actions Fleet Managers Must Take

Most vehicle crashes are not black or white – There are a lot of grey areas. When the drivers they manage are involved in crashes, many fleet professionals struggle to determine what really happened.  Police reports can be vague, drivers are trying to protect themselves and more often than not, the accounts of the collision are conflicting.

This presentation, comprising real-life crash scenarios, will provide information that will help determine the root causes of these crashes.

Lessons from the findings will help those attending to use the information to improve operational fleet safety.  This immediate application of the curriculum will be interactive, fun, and memorable.
This session is entitled "Root Causes Of Crashes: Actions Fleet Managers Must Take" and will be held on Wednesday, April 20. It will introduce you to the questions fleet decision-makers need to ask when examining a crash, teach you what information you should obtain when examining a crash, show you the standards of collision avoidance that should be applied when examining a crash, and much more vital information!
Make sure that this informative session is part of your education itinerary! Find out more about all the great education happening at I&E with the online conference agenda -- click here for more!

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