The VMT Road Tax Era is Near

Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT for short) is an acronym getting a lot of use lately. As drivers — fleet or otherwise — look to sustainable, alternative fuel options, gas tax revenue is poised to take a hit. The solution: drivers will have to install a device in their cars that record how many miles they’ve driven, and they will be taxed per mile based on those figures. Some call it an infringement on privacy and liberty. Some say it handicaps the alternative energy movement by defeating money-saving idea. Despite these calls, states are beginning trials, and if successful, this could signal a radical change in the fleet world.

This session is simply titled "The VMT Road Tax Era is Near" and will be held on Tuesday, April 19.Those in attendance will learn about the current status of VMT systems – which states are piloting programs, which are looking into programs, and how adoption of VMT's will affect fleet’s operational structure. You will also learn how will this affect your relationships with fuel suppliers and what can you do to minimize travel and, at the same time, minimize your taxation burden.
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