Police Vehicles Service And Parts – In-House Or Out?

Are you "In" or "Out"? Could your entire operation function more efficiently if it was out-sourced?   What parts of your operation would be more efficient if out-sourced? Out – sourcing can assist you in reducing your out of service rate. What gives the best service to the tax payers? Which option makes your job easier?

Find out the answers to all these questions when you attend this I&E session, "Police Vehicles Service and Parts – In-House or Out?" on Tuesday, April 19. In addition, you will also learn about the correlation between fleet size and feasibility of out sourcing, what factors may cause you to keep your operation in-house, and who does what better (PM, glass repair, transmissions, etc.)?
 Make sure that this informative session is part of your education itinerary! Find out more about all the great educational courses being offered at I&E with the online conference agenda -- click here for more!
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