International Fleet Academy Globalization Roadmap

This presentation will set the stage for IFA’s interactive approach to helping you development a globalization roadmap that reflects your company’s goals. Whether you are just starting out and only learning the basics of fleet, or if you are preparing to launch a global RFP, this workshop will outline best practices that will help you identify where you are in the process as well as what steps you should take next.

Those IFA registrants who attend the "Globalization Roadmap Pre-Conference Workshop" on Monday, April 18 will learn best practices and the steps involved with globalizing your fleet, how to identify where you are in the process in relation to other international companies, and how to build and execute a results-driven global roadmap that will lead your company to success.
The International Fleet Academy is the place to learn about this ever-expanding necessity in the business world. Register for this informative pre-conference event by clicking here! 
Make sure that this informative session is part of your education itinerary! Find out more about all the great educational courses being offered at IFA and I&E with the online conference agenda -- click here for more!
If you are not registered to attend I&E yet, don't wait! Register today by clicking here