Annual Business Meeting And Keynote Dan Ricci, IBM, Kick Off The I&E

The Annual Business Meeting at NAFA’s Institute & Expo will present NAFA President Ruth Alfson, CAFM®, who will speak about NAFA's accomplishments in 2015, and the ambitious plans your association has for 2016 and forward. This promises to be an important session, so we hope to see you there this morning at 8:30.

Afterward, join us for a keynote speech from IBM's Dan Ricci. Dan Ricci’s automotive background spans over 15 years working with major OEMs and suppliers. Ricci specializes in data and analytics solutions across the enterprise and automotive ecosystem. He is responsible for helping IBM Automotive Industry Clients world-wide address information and analytics challenges across the value chain.

Since 2002, Ricci has used various technologies and his industry experience to define and deliver solutions across multiple business functions including product development, manufacturing, quality, sales, marketing, service/aftermarket, and support. He has worked with most of the major automotive manufacturers and suppliers around the world.

A tremendous amount of vehicle data is generated every second. Last year, an estimated 26 million connected cars collected more than 480 Terabytes of data. This data can include in-vehicle infotainment, sensors for assisted driving, vehicle speed, braking, transmission control systems, and more. Ricci will put all this into context during this powerful and challenging presentation.

Get ready, because tomorrow’s keynote session will be Kent Rathwell, CEO of Sun Country Highway, featuring an inspirational discussion about how he moved from bird seed distributor to a primary advocate for electric vehicles across Canada. It is thought-provoking talk that will challenge your ideas about fixed and fluid goals, so don’t miss it!