Alternative Fuels and Choosing the Right Fuel Technology

Does senior management want to demonstrate sustainable leadership? Are they looking to fleet to make some major improvements? This may lead you to consider and analyze alternative fuels options. The course Alternative Fuels and Choosing the Right Fuel Technology today, April 19, 2:00 - 3:30 pm on Level 4 in Room 12 -- will provide a comparative overview of alternative fuel options and help you determine what fuel technology is right for your fleet.

In this informative session, you will learn to identify all of the alternative fuel options available to fleets, as well as resources that your fleet can use to realize their sustainable goals. You will also be able to understand why fleets often choose to go the alternative fuel route and how this path may benefit your own fleet.

Make sure that this informative session is part of your education itinerary! Find out more about all the great education happening at I&E with the online conference agenda -- click here for more!