Pledge To Not Drive Distracted With NAFA

When an organization takes a stand and states certain behaviors are unacceptable, one can tell how seriously that organization honors that position by whether they themselves abide by it. NAFA Fleet Management Association, the premier association for the fleet profession, recognizes that the life blood of the job is the driver and the act of driving, and that the use of electronic devices while driving is dangerous to everyone on the road.


In 2015, NAFA issued the Association’s position statement regarding distracted driving, adopting a strong policy for all of its employees, contractors, and volunteers prohibiting the use of any electronic device – handheld or hands-free – while engaged in the act of driving. In 2016, NAFA is asking members and attendees of the Institute & Expo to take it one step further: to personally pledge not to drive and use devices that contribute to distracted driving.

During the 2016 Expo, attendees like yourself will find a placard (sponsored by SambaSafety) where you can sign your support, promise to drive distraction-free, and make a powerful statement to others to do the same.  

"There cannot be any ambivalence about our position, no hypocrisy, no loopholes. We are the association for fleet professionals, and so the example has to begin with us," said NAFA Chief Executive Officer Phillip E. Russo, CAE. "Our ‘no devices while driving’ policy has been in effect for two years internally, and now we are extending that insistence to our contractors and partners."

The use of a cell phone – either handheld or hands-free – while driving makes it four times as likely that a driver will crash, according to The National Safety Council. In 2010, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) published a rule banning commercial truck and bus drivers from texting while driving and, by a separate rule in 2011, banned all hand-held cell phone use by commercial drivers; essentially, the fleet industry itself.

 "NAFA recognizes this is a strong stance, and there may be other organizations that will not agree or abide by it, but it is the right step to take," Russo said. "Change begins with us, and so we have chosen for this to no longer be open to discussion. It’s time to turn off the devices, focus on the task at hand, and bring safety and sanity back to our roads."

NAFA’s Distracted Driving Position Statement can be downloaded at: