Have You Prepped Your Checklist?

The clothes are packed, the registration is done, and the hotel room is booked... or are these things still on your to-do list?

With only two weeks to go before NAFA’s I&E, you will want to take a moment to go over the small details including:

Are travel and hotel reservations in order? If this is still required, go to the I&E Travel and Hotels page today. There is limited availability left at hotels that NAFA has contracted for room blocks, so don't delay any further. Secure your rooms now!

Do I have all my information? This year at I&E, in accordance with sustainability practices, there will not be printing kiosks at the conference.

Do I have suitable attire for the sessions, the Fleet Excellence Awards Gala, and the Expo floor? While it will be warm in Austin, please note that session rooms might be cold. Bring business causal clothes with accessories that you can carry with you wherever necessary (jacket, sweater, etc.).

Do I have all the information? Get all the latest information on exhibitors, sessions, and more by clicking here!

Do I have my business cards and items that will keep me in connection with the people and businesses I encounter at I&E? Have you decided which exhibitors you're going to check out? Try NAFA's Map Your Show to get a detailed idea of whom you want to speak with and where they are located on the Expo floor.

Have I decided what sessions I’m planning on attending? The online Detailed Program can help with that.

And perhaps the most important question: Am I registered? If not, go to the I&E Registration page and register now! Just click here!