Mergers And Acquisitions: Now You've Gone Global... What Will You Do?

The business report will tell you: companies are more likely to be acquired by larger companies than ever before. For the fleet manager, that conversation with upper management about "enhanced duties and responsibilities" could mean your fleet is going global. Are you prepared for the changes?

This presentation, Mergers and Acquisitions: Now You've Gone Global happening today, April 20, 1:15 - 2:30 pm on Level 4, in Room 12, is for any fleet manager who is not in the international fleet realm now but may be soon, (or just entered it). Be prepared and take part in this presentation.
Featuring David T. Hayward, Global Fleet Leader, Teva Pharmaceuticals, Philadelphia, PA; and Andrzej Sacha, Global Fleet Solutions Manager, Nestle Business Services SA, Geneva, Switzerland, you will learn how to identify key performance traits found in effective intercontinental fleets, discover the best ways to begin transitioning from one way of doing things to another, and you will hear testimonies of fleet managers who were thrown into the global fleet world through mergers and acquisitions, and made positive efforts through the changes.

Mergers and Acquisitions: Now You've Gone Global is a session you should be sure to add to today's itinerary! Find out more about all the great education happening at I&E with the online conference agenda -- click here for more!