Don't Miss The Fleet Hot Topics Discussion And Breakfast On Friday April 22!


The fleet world is an ever-changing environment. With all the current issues facing fleet managers today, as well as the recently proposed changes to NAFA's bylaws, it can be hard to make your voice heard. So if you have any comments, opinions, or suggestions, be sure to attend the Fleet Hot Topics Discussion on Friday April 22! It should prove to be a can't-miss session for all attendees!

This fast-paced session will feature the topics, questions, and concerns that are raised by you!  The presenters will describe a topic and attendees will be invited to ask their questions, voice their opinions, and share their thoughts. These topics could include anything from distracted driving to cyber-security, or more controversial issues like legalized marijuana and guns in fleet vehicles.

In addition, you'll also want to attend to receive the latest updates on the newly proposed changes to NAFA's bylaws, as well as share your thoughts and concerns about this incredibly important subject!

Make sure that this session is a part of your I&E itinerary! You can also visit for a full I&E agenda, as well as to register!