Build and Enforce Fleet Policies That Reduce Costs

Strong fleet policy sets expectations for safe and cost-effective vehicle usage. Clear and powerfully enforced policies are proven to significantly cut costs and improve safety. Without written and enforced policies, every fleet activity potentially requires judgment calls from fleet staff or managers. With dozens or even hundreds of vehicles to manage, who has time to stop to enforce or communicate a policy every time someone checks out a vehicle? Here’s how to get it under control, and save time and money.

With the session, Build and Enforce Fleet Policies That Reduce Costs, you will learn which fleet policies can reduce costs the most, and why; methods and best practices for communicating and enforcing policy; and understanding how to enforce policy consistently with reduced burden on staff.

Build and Enforce Fleet Policies That Reduce Costs takes place on Tuesday, April 24, 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Make it a part of your I&E itinerary. To find out more about this and the entire conference agenda, click here.