NAFA Foundation President Claude Masters, CAFM®,Touts Strong Directives for Organization

During yesterday's Chapter Appreciation Luncheon, an individual who is well-known to NAFA membership took the stage to let I&E attendees know of great things on the horizon. NAFA Foundation President Claude Masters, CAFM, described the changes the organization took on recently, as well as the strategic goals it has set for itself in the near future.

Masters, who previously served as NAFA’s President from 2013 to 2015, defined the NAFA Foundation as the Association's “sister organization,” formed in 1976 primarily to conduct industry research and provide scholarships for those in the field of fleet management.

"The NAFA Foundation is different from NAFA in that the Foundation is a charitable organization," Masters said, "meaning that we have the ability to accept donations that are tax-deductible for the donors. So the NAFA Foundation can – and should – play a vital role in collaboration with NAFA to develop and conduct objective, valuable, research for the fleet industry."

Earlier in 2018, the NAFA Foundation went through a complete reorganization process and Masters was elected President.

Joining him on the Foundation’s leadership team are:

The NAFA Foundation Directors are:

Masters continued, "With our new structure and leadership team in place, the Foundation plans to be more active in pursuing projects - and funding for those projects - that will help the industry."

Masters announced that the NAFA Foundation has teamed up with international mobility expert Lukas Neckerman to develop a series of deliverables on the subject of fleet and mobility. "Over the next few months, Lukas will develop the first piece, an in-depth white paper that will include immediate steps for fleet managers to take to embrace mobility options."

In order to accomplish results, Masters said, the Foundation needs support. "If you have a stake in the mobility game, I’m asking that you consider making a donation to the NAFA Foundation."

Giving to the Foundation could not be easier: Text the word “NAFA” to (855) 912-7003 and you will receive instructions on how to make a secure donation. Be a patron for the advancement of the fleet industry!