Thursday: FASB Changes are Here - Now What?

FASB Changes are Here - Now What?

Thursday, 3:45 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Room 210C

New lease accounting standards are here, and you need to be sure about what the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has set for 2018 and beyond. In tomorrow's session, FASB Changes are Here - Now What?, Moderator Art Failla, Assistant Vice President, Client Relations, Wheels, Inc.; and Shlomo Crandus, Chief Financial Officer, Wheels, Inc.; will identify what the new accounting standards are and what they will require of you and your organization.

Most importantly, this session will identify what you should be doing now to prepare and ensure that your organization is ready for the changes. Understand the types of leases you have in place currently, alternatives which may be available, what data collection will be required, and what reporting may be necessary to provide to your finance team.

Get a lock on the FASB changes and what this means for your work processes, tomorrow at 3:45 p.m.